Any Breda fowl experts here? Need help with a color


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I had a LF brahma go broody on me. After several months of trying to break her and only managing to frustrate myself I ordered her some blue breda eggs. The breeder (a very nice man) included a few extra eggs. My broody had an excellent hatch and all but two of her chicks are blue. I was well aware that the extras might not be blues and I'm fine with that. The other two are a color I can only describe as lavender. They are not quite white, in fact in the sunlight they don't look white at all. I have been calling them lavender but to my knowledge breda don't come in lavender. Here is a pic of my favorite, the lighter-colored of the two light colored ones. This chick has vulture hocks to the max and a delightful personality, always prancing around like he/she knows they are special.

Any help on color?

In this pic - taken a week earlier that the other pic - you can see the two lighter ones compared to the coloring of the blues. The one in the upper left hand corner is growing lighter-colored, not darker.

Are they splash? That would go with the blue. I'm not sure if Breda are b/b/s or self-blue.

At first I thought they must be splash, but as they are feathering in I am not seeing the "splashes", just a solid color.

Thanks for your reply. Loving this breed.
I would guess they are splash. Splash can vary a lot, from almost completely white with a few flecks of blue, to very dark blue with a few flecks of white. All of my splash Silkies start out white with a blue-ish/grey-ish cast. Most of them feather in almost completely white and get the blue later, like so late I was wondering what happened to the splashing.
I'm pretty sure Breda come in blue, black, splash, barred and cuckoo. If I'm correct on that, you're chicks would have to be splash
I'm no expert, but I do know that blue does not breed true, so the eggs that you got were probably BBS Breda eggs. My splash Breda feathered out looking like a lavender, but as she got older her feathers started looking more white and got splashes of blue.
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I have some splash chicks that are basically a silvery shimmery color, no splashes yet. The oldest is coming 2 months and just now getting some splashes. He's a mixed breed and color background, though, so not sure if that would effect things.

It will be interesting to see how they feather out!
Thanks for the replies. I am going with splash until proven otherwise.
Also, as they are now growing like weeds I think I have identified my cockerels. Hard to explain, but they just look (and act) different.
Figured out your mystery color yet? splash or something else? They do come in White btw. Dont know of anyone having them in the US, but you never know

He/she is a splash. I swear I want to go with rooster on this bird, due mainly to size, but I've looked and looked and I can't find a single pointed saddle feathers (others are getting theirs). Checked his/her hackle feathers yesterday too, all look rounded. IMHO, this bird is going to be stunning, already is.


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