Now I understand that you can't sex many breeds at a young age. However, it is fun to guess based on certain traits. For example, a few days ago I put in one week old chicks with three weeks old chicks. Two of my four older silkies which are straight run and a Dominique (which I know is a pullet) have since decided to sit on and lay with all of the chicks. It is not uncommon to find multiple chicks trying to make their way under the wings of these still-tiny silkies, and boy, do they look uncomfortable trying to sleep standing up with tiny chicks between their legs. On the other hand, a three week old Polish suddenly began acting as the look-out and sitting on any perch looking alert as soon as you let the tiny flock out. He also began running out with his chest and bumping into other chicks. It probably is just a coincidence with age, although my other three-week old Polish does not do it, but if I had to take a wild guess at this age I would say the silkies were acting maternal and the Polish was either a dominant hen or going to end up being a rooster. Does anyone else take guesses based on behavior? Have you had any of your guesses turn out to be correct?