Any every day household items to use for wry neck healing?

I've had two of my own flock get wry neck. One is completely cured the other just started the symptoms so I've just started treatment. I use vitaminE capsules vitaminB and selenium just a bit so the bird will absorb the vitamin E without selenium the E is not easily absorbed
Then I use children's liquid polyvisol vitamins without iron. Most stop here but because I was treating with Alan Stanford's wry neck treatment I also used predinsone
My bird is 100% better thank God now I'm treating my next bird in the same way. This treatment really works well! Good luck with your bird! Have patience and I'm sure she will do very well. Best wishes.
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With mine she just randomly got it. I just fed her and watered her and now she can stand and her neck is almost better!
Wry neck is caused from a vitamin deficiency. Get baby vitamins called poly vi Sol without iron. Give directly in beak at a rate of 2 - 3 drops per day....check the forum for dosage on various ages.
Wry neck is caused from a vitamin deficiency. Get baby vitamins called poly vi Sol without iron. Give directly in beak at a rate of 2 - 3 drops per day....check the forum for dosage on
various ages.

Wry neck can be caused by vitamin deficiency but
there are also other causes too. Wry neck is a
symptom. The root cause could be a vitamin
defiency or it could be a injure like a peck on the
head just in the wrong spot or it can be actually a
genetic factor. So the underlining cause is not always nutritional. Hope this helps.but do start treatment with the vitamins I use vitaminE and B andiI use selenium to help absorb the E and I use liquid children's vitamin polyvisol without iron and in severe cases that might stem from injury I use predinsone for brain swelling. Its difficult to tell exactly the root cause of the wry neck weather its nutritional or injury I always also use the vitamins along side the predinsone. I'm nursing my second case first case just recovered only to find another bird that came down with my case I'm suspecting its nutritional. My first bird recovered 100% I'm praying my second recovers as well. It took my first about three weeks. I'm only on week one with my second bird. Hope this helps. Best wishes
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Wry neck can be caused by vitamin deficiency but
there are also other causes too. Wry neck is a
symptom. The root cause could be a vitamin
defiency or it could be a injure like a peck on the
head just in the wrong spot or it can be actually a
genetic factor. So the underlining cause is not always nutritional. Hope this helps.but do start treatment with the vitamins I use vitaminE and B andiI use selenium to help absorb the E and I use liquid children's vitamin polyvisol without iron and in severe cases that might stem from injury I use predinsone for brain swelling. Its difficult to tell exactly the root cause of the wry neck weather its nutritional or injury I always also use the vitamins along side the predinsone. I'm nursing my second case first case just recovered only to find another bird that came down with my case I'm suspecting its nutritional. My first bird recovered 100% I'm praying my second recovers as well. It took my first about three weeks. I'm only on week one with my second bird. Hope this helps. Best wishes

Thanks! And good luck with your chicken!

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