any help is appreciated with a green bean bake

If you ever come up with a need for fried onions again they sell them in large bags very cheap at indian groceries.
Green bean casserole is not something we eat in my house, however I use the fried onions all the time. They work awesome as a thickener for soups and stews.
Thanks for the great tip! I find lots of goodies in ethnic stores and do a lot of shopping in Asian markets. I have seen the fried onions in there and have bought them, but they are a different consistency than the ones you use for the greenbean bake & they have a slightly different taste (I've used them exactly for said purpose in times past). They are more like the generic fried onions at Walmart than like the good ones made by French's and they don't hold a crunch once they're cooked like the French's onions do. True, they're available all year long, though, and they are GREAT in tons of other things... but I would highly recommend against using them in a green bean bake. It'll still be good, it'll just taste a little different and have a different consistency.
I had some cheddar fried onions left over from xmas....I made meat loaf the other day and put the last of them in the meat loaf it was really good.

I want to get some more and use it as breading as recommended on the back of the container.

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