Any last minute advice?

I dont know how many I am getting yet...will wait and see how many have been laid by monday when Napalongtails is shipping them out. Im hoping for at least 12 eggs so if we get 50% hatch we will have at least 6 chicks.
WOW.......the silkies are beautiful. You should get 6 of them and 6 of the serama or whatever those other pretty little birds. Are you prepared if ALL the eggs hatch?
Aran I just hatched out some silkies, cochins, and quails, 2 red golden pheasants are pipped in the hatcher now and I always lay the eggs on their sides. I assume you have some kind of hardware cloth on the bottom I just lay mine down and tip the small end towars the bottom. Seems to work well so far!
I just bought one of those little incubators that hold 3 eggs. The instructions are geared to children, but it says to lay the egg on its side. I plan to try to tilt the big end slightly up though. My son decided he wants to leave some eggs in the nest and see if the chickens will sit on them, but I don't think they are ready to go broody yet. So I may put 3 in the little incubator. A friend also wants to give me some turkey eggs so I may try that. Maybe later I will try to make one of those incubators like yours. Good luck and keep us posted. And oh ya, get a camera!!! I can't wait to see your chicks.
Lurky...I have around 900+sq feet of enclosed run and two coops now so I think ill be ok for space if all the birds hatch. I would love it if that happened but I am not terribly hopeful that I will be so fortunate. That would be terrific for William my son to see if it would happen that way.

I have heard that silkies are the hardier type of eggs to hatch compared to other breeds so Im hopeful we will get some out of the eggs!
I think when people refer to 'big end up', this is how an egg settles naturally on a flat surface, with the pointy end slightly down. I have always incubated with then on their side, I can't see how you can turn then otherwise.

When turning do it 'end over end' - big end to pointy end - otherwise if you always turn them in the same direction things may get pretty tangled up inside!
Does this mean your wife has become accepting of more chickens?
Last I heard it was 25 and no more...just curious.
well everything is negotiable!

She has agreed to let me try and hatch a dozen or so silkie eggs although i guess she is expecting me to get no babies out of it. I am hoping for around 50% hatch.

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