Any Mainers need a new coop? GORGEOUS shed on craigslist $50!!

Thanks, Rockhound... that is exactly where we've been looking. We have friends in Union and it is LOVELY there! Stacey
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That area is gorgeous. We had a 30 ft. C & C in Rockland for years, before our kids. Loved it. Love cruising. Do not love racing, but it was a great way of life in my 20s. The market is great to buy right now.....but gosh, to sail for a few more years with your daughter before she hits her teens and hates boats...... pretty tempting. Our kids are being raised on our "farm". It has been fantastic so far. They play out in the yard with the animals all day from spring to fall. They climb trees, make inventions out of wood from the barn and in the winter are out skiing. It is a fantastic life. I miss the city, but this is a really healthy existence up here. And I have tried to think of a way for my husband to take a year sabbatical so that we could go cruising with our children, but I am not sure that is ever going to be in the cards.

I looked at your website. What a beautiful story, and Olivia is quite the amazing girl!

BTW, I was able to save our barn here by selling architectural antiques. But that's another story.

I bet you would be an amazing neighbor.
Keep me posted on your thoughts about what you and your dh decide to do.

LaBanan. I love Nova Scotia. Many times I have thought I would love to move to Canada.....

We are soooooo off topic, I hope we don't get "yelled at".
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As long as we're off-topic, I think we're kindred spirits. Well, distant kin, anyway.

After a world cruise on a 623-footer that ended prematurely (I kind of turned an F4 into beer cans


We finally found our dream homestead - 52 acres of hardwoods with a southern exposure bordered by a stream and a 50-acre pond.


We've been selectively cutting trees, rebuilding stone walls, cleaning out an old well, and planting fruit trees all spring. Next comes a spring house, a small cabin and a barn.

It's not the ocean, but we can still be hard-core boaters:

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Long story for an already hijacked post, but wrecking every form of transportation from a dogsled to a jet is my claim to fame. I won't tell you what airline I work for now...

You'll have to buy me a cheap rotgut drink in a seedy bar to hear the story. (That's my retirement plan.)

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You'll have to buy me a cheap rotgut drink in a seedy bar to hear the story. (That's my retirement plan.)


Well dang, you look like you are about 22, so I have to wait that long? Well, we should keep talking, as I am about to start a hatch of BC Marans........and I see you're a horsegirl too.
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You'll have to buy me a cheap rotgut drink in a seedy bar to hear the story. (That's my retirement plan.)


Well dang, you look like you are about 22, so I have to wait that long? Well, we should keep talking, as I am about to start a hatch of BC Marans........and I see you're a horsegirl too.

Hmm, I think the flattering underestimation of my age cancels out the insult to my masculinity.

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