Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?


I am waiting on my Rosie(Blue Laced Red Wyandotte), I picked her up about 3 weeks ago. She has been with my 3 girls, Tully (Old English Game Fowl), Orencia(Buff Orp) and Styx(Cochin) those 3 born @ Aug 17th, (I was told she will need time to Adjust). I am also thinking that my 3 girls should be laying fairly soon, they are about 19weeks. I check every day for Eggs, but nothing yet! Super Excited since I am also a newbie!

Pardon my Coop, we keep making updates.. Oh and a random Kitty.
MB, your situation sounds like mine! I have 6 Delawares born at the end of July. We just unblocked their nest boxes last week because I've been hearing the egg songs, and their wattles and combs are getting red. They have been free ranging in the yard (a small acreage much like yours with a lot of bushes/trees/hiding places), and I really don't want them to start laying out in the yard because I don't think I'll ever find their eggs! I've been keeping them confined in the run/coop for a few days now--they HATE it and want out! Luckily both have ample space for the girls. I haven't placed a dummy egg in their nests. I wonder if that would help them along!?? Anyway, I'm watching and waiting! They're at 20 weeks now, so it should be soon!
Hi AuntB.. love the name, and Welcome to the thread! I can't tell you how happy I am all us late summer/early fall hatch owners are waiting together. Your post is EXACTLY where my mind set is as I came in from outside, dejected no eggs in those nests! I actually got a little excited today as Rose, one of my RIR went back into the coop after filling up on breakfast. No one ever goes back inside once the coop door is open, until it is time to go to bed, and they head back after a full day of ranging all over. Alas... nothing. I too have been keeping them inside until at least after lunch, do eggs come only in the morning? I was thinking that it's one good thing at least having POL starting into the winter, there will be lots of time when I am sure they will be stuck in the coop/run with snow covering everything, and they will get in the habit of laying in the boxes. I did place dummy eggs in their nests, and I still have no eggs, so not sure that would help to bring it on,, but it would give them the idea perhaps that is where they belong. I would put them in. Today, I noticed in one of the boxes, someone had pushed the two dummy eggs out, so maybe someone is getting ready. I have heard no semblance of what an egg song is, so nothing there either. I have so much brush, bushes hiding spots, evergreens I fear that if they don't learn eggs go in the boxes, I will NEVER see eggs! lol....Meanwhile Duke is increasing his "manly behavior" and no one seems especially thrilled about it.. they are still sort of running from his advances instead of squatting to help the poor guy out. He also doesn't seem to quite have it down yet. The two attempts I observed today he was quite off the mark, and left the girls with a wet spot off to the side of their vents. I am sure it takes time for him to figure it out!

Looking forward to hearing more updates from you!
I'll join! I got 6 day-old chicks on August 1rst. Last week I got my first egg.
I believe Henrietta, my Rhode Island Red, laid it. Sadly, I was out of town for work, so I found out via text from my neighbor
I felt like a mother missing her kid's first steps. It was still pretty exciting for me to go and find my first egg, though. I've been getting one egg a day consistently now for a week, but they are small.

My five other girls all look like they could start at any moment, but so far I'm only getting one egg a day. I have two easter eggers, and I can't wait to see what color their eggs will be. All girls have nice pink/red faces and growing combs and wattles.

I also have two silkie hens who are about 1 week older than the other six, and one silkie roo. I've heard silkies mature more slowly, so I'm not expecting eggs from them any time soon.
Love the RIR egg! Congratulations! I think my RIR will be the first to lay as well, have you had another yet? So happy for your updates
friday will be 22 weeks still no eggs cannot wait til they start laying
Hi tonypolston1, thanks for joining, maybe I missed, but what breeds of girls do you have. I ask out of curiousity, and trying to get educated as to which breeds people have, and when they lay.
So happy your on board! Welcome!
Come on Bella, hurry and LAY!!
My sentiments EGGSACTLY!!!!! Beautiful birds!


Want to remind everyone that Crafty-Duck put up an excellent post with some very good signs to look for with pictures. Posting a link to it, in case anyone missed it. Good Luck yallll!

Keep the info coming everyone!

No eggs again today...but tomorrow brings another day! Melebella, do you have a picture if Duke. I saw a part of him in one of the pics. He looks like a stud.
Hi Redangler,

Thank you! I have to get a more updated picture of him but after he challenged me a bit one day, I had to show him who was boss, and he has been very leary of me ever since. He sees me coming towards him with the camera, and he darts off.

He had beautiful big tail feathers, but I think one day when I kept them all inside due to a huge windstorm, the girls must have taken to playing with them, and pulled them out. He only has a few pathetic ones at the moment. So far he only crows in the morning until about 7, then he is quiet.

I'll get one of him later today.

Any more eggs today?

I made Pepper the rooster mad this afternoon. I went to check on the girls when I got home this afternoon and as usual they meet me at the gate. I knelt down and proceded to talk to the girls. To my surprise all 10 of them went into the egg squat position individually. Pepper was looking at me as if I had some type of magic hand. It was quite humorous(at least for me). No eggs yet...but again tomorrow is another day.
I am sensing the enthusiasm as I'm reading your posts. My girls are only 10-12 weeks old yet so I have a ways
to go. Am enjoying your stories and learning as I'm in the back of the line
. I am missing the girls lately since
my days start before sun up and have been ending after sun down with the christmas shopping after work. All I
get to do is wake them up and tuck them in. Can't wait to spend some time over the weekend with them. Hoping to take
some holiday photos of them and our grandson. Thanks for this thread :>
I made Pepper the rooster mad this afternoon. I went to check on the girls when I got home this afternoon and as usual they meet me at the gate. I knelt down and proceded to talk to the girls. To my surprise all 10 of them went into the egg squat position individually. Pepper was looking at me as if I had some type of magic hand. It was quite humorous(at least for me). No eggs yet...but again tomorrow is another day.
Wow, super jealous,, not one of my ungrateful girls squat for me. I don't even see them really squatting for Duke either. He was a bit maniacle today, he was trying to get with all of them!
Only got 1 egg today for one of my Wellies still waiting on my EE Greta today she is 34 weeks old and no egg :(
Way to go with the egg... any pics? I love egg pics! Can't wait to hear what color your EE will give you!
I am sensing the enthusiasm as I'm reading your posts. My girls are only 10-12 weeks old yet so I have a ways
to go. Am enjoying your stories and learning as I'm in the back of the line
. I am missing the girls lately since
my days start before sun up and have been ending after sun down with the christmas shopping after work. All I
get to do is wake them up and tuck them in. Can't wait to spend some time over the weekend with them. Hoping to take
some holiday photos of them and our grandson. Thanks for this thread :>
Hi kacklinkelly!

So happy to have you join in with us. You can certainly ride our coat tails while you wait! I remember when my girls were that old, eggs seemed forever away, (they still do) but it will pass before you know it. I am thinkin, that maybe Friday I will see an egg. Hoping Winter Solstice brings about a change.. heck with the extra second of light they will be getting! lol...
WHat breed are your chickens, and how many do you have? Share away, and Welcome to the thread!

MB - your girls are SOOOOOOO close to laying. Mine started by going into the nesting box, scrabbling around, and moving the dummy eggs, maybe three or four days before I got an egg from them. Up until then they never ever went into them, just not interesting, I guess.

You asked if they always lay in the morning - I'm afraid not (that would make life simple, wouldn't it!!!). However, all my girls started laying early in the morning. It then gets progressively later in the morning, moves about an hour on each day. When they start laying mid-afternoon, they then skip one day and go back to early in the morning.

I was lucky - once they had already laid a few in the nesting box, they returned to it even when they were out free ranging, which they do from about 2.30pm onwatrds till bedtime. Currently 7.30pm here as sun sets about 8.30pm. So, amazingly they return to the coop and the box to lay if they need to do it in the afternoon. I have read people having problems with them laying in secret spots in the garden - but I think that mostly happens when they are broody and they want to hide the eggs so you don't remove them. Anyway, my girls have been super smart and done the right thing - so far!

I bet any day now you will tell us you've had your first egg. I shall here the celebration from here, I think.

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