Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

I went out this morning to clean off the girls' poop board and I FOUND AN EGG!!!
It was laying on the board in the corner, and had cracked on its way out, but IT'S AN EGG!!!!!
I was so tickled I almost didn't know what to do with myself! Here it is, next to a "medium" egg from the Farmer's Market. I couldn't take a picture of it where I found it because it was too dark and I didn't have a camera with me at the time. Now, if the girls will only figure out what the nest boxes are for....


I am so happy for everyone that has eggs, so wonderful. Aunt B, do you know who laid it? So excited for you, CONGRATULATIONS!

I went out this morning to let the girls out and shortly after I heard one making quite a racket. I went out to listen and feed them. One stopped eating and urgently went into the coop, talking up a storm. I sat watching her a bit, and she was pacing, digging in the corner of the coop, found her way into a nest box and she sat there a bit. I don't think she produced an egg because she kept pacing and going in and out of the coop. Finally I decided my presence may be disturbing, so I left her to her business. She kept coming over to see what I was doing! Here she is. You can probably see the nest boxes in the back ground too. I'm anxious to see if she managed to use the nest today!


Aunt B.... My girl did the same thing. I thought it was a lot faster to lay an egg but I guess not with new girls. It took a good 45 mins with her inspecting all the boxes too see which one would meet with her standards this time. And that was for the 3rd egg.... She used the 1st box for the first egg. My bedroom behind the treadmill for the 2nd egg and the 4th box for the 3rd. My other girl has not laid yet.... though I can't use the eggs till a week from tomorrow. De worming meds... I will do it better next time.

Melabella.... I know it must be hard waiting. My friend got birds the same time as I did. She has raised birds for almost 20 years now.... She was shocked that I got eggs. She has 3 that are the same kind as my remaining girls. Nothing from any of her 9 new girls. I will still wish you eggs for the new year...
Well, I sure hope she's just taking her time because she's been laying in a nest box now for quite some time. I really hope she won't become broody with her second egg ever!

Aunt B.... My girl did the same thing. I thought it was a lot faster to lay an egg but I guess not with new girls. It took a good 45 mins with her inspecting all the boxes too see which one would meet with her standards this time. And that was for the 3rd egg.... She used the 1st box for the first egg. My bedroom behind the treadmill for the 2nd egg and the 4th box for the 3rd. My other girl has not laid yet.... though I can't use the eggs till a week from tomorrow. De worming meds... I will do it better next time.

Melabella.... I know it must be hard waiting. My friend got birds the same time as I did. She has raised birds for almost 20 years now.... She was shocked that I got eggs. She has 3 that are the same kind as my remaining girls. Nothing from any of her 9 new girls. I will still wish you eggs for the new year...
Cat, which of your girls are laying? I'm sorry I forget. Is it the Ameraucana's? They are supposed to mature later too, which makes it even more amazing you are getting eggs!
Good Job girl!


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