Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Love the pictures of the girls. Those little pullet faces.. adorable. I had another 6 egg day, we got four inches of snow today, but on the other hand, temps stayed up around 28-30 all day, who knew that 30 degrees would feel downright balmy!


Yay 6 eggs again! Oh how I dream of 6 egg days...

Our weather just continues to be downright nutty. Sunday night we got another ice storm, so schools were closed yesterday, but then it got up to 60 degrees! My kids were out of school, and playing frisbee in the yard. Ridiculous. Today it's supposed to be 65, and then Thursday and Friday, another blizzard. I'm kind of liking the variety though, except for the ice. A chunk of ice fell off my chicken coop this weekend and broke my rain collection barrel.

I've decided to build a coop expansion! I think my coop needs a bigger nursery wing, for growing chicks. My BF does not agree
Hey Guys and Gals, I need some help! I went out to let the girls out this morning and found Lemon with a bare patch on her neck. Appears to be eating and drinking fine and acting normal. I don't know when it happened but I don't remember seeing it yesterday. Should I do anything for her? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Red
Hey Red,
Maybe she tried to stick her head through the wire to get at some grass? I can't really see from this picture, but is the skin broken or cracked in any way? If you sense some sort of funkiness about it going on, I would smear a layer of NuStock on it, or even some Carmex. If you notice any one else being interested in it, perhaps some blu kote, or rooster booster pick no more. I would hate to see blu kote on that beautiful white feathers though!! But it is better than red if blood starts!

She is beautiful! What a face!

Heading out to the barn to do chores, but wanted to share this before I do.

DH came in from letting out the chickens earlier, and said he found a small egg outside the coop, under the ramp to the coop. It was quite small, and a bit narrow, one of my last layers perhaps. From being outside all night it had frozen, and cracked, so I cracked it open to see what it would look like. It was half frozen, half gelotunous. I decided to scramble it up for the girls, and threw in two store bought eggs from a container of eggs I had bought. Just scrambled the eggs, no milk added.

Look at the picture of the two different eggs. I am sure you can guess which came from here. Mind you,I buy organic free range far more expensive eggs, as I just can't buy cheap battery eggs any more knowing what goes on in those commercial egg places. Quite the difference, and it's not even spring or summer yet, this is on winter diets of feed supplied by me, can't wait until everything is green and bugs are back!

Thanks for the info. She has no broken skin so I'm just going to on monitor it for the moment. I will try to pick up some blu kote today, I don't she needs it yet but it is good to have around. I have looked all around the fence line and don't see clusters of feathers anywhere and I don't think she is being bullied. I am at a loss for when it happened?
I will keep monitoring her thanks again for the help and please let me know if I should do anything else.

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Heading out to the barn to do chores, but wanted to share this before I do. DH came in from letting out the chickens earlier, and said he found a small egg outside the coop, under the ramp to the coop. It was quite small, and a bit narrow, one of my last layers perhaps. From being outside all night it had frozen, and cracked, so I cracked it open to see what it would look like. It was half frozen, half gelotunous. I decided to scramble it up for the girls, and threw in two store bought eggs from a container of eggs I had bought. Just scrambled the eggs, no milk added. Look at the picture of the two different eggs. I am sure you can guess which came from here. Mind you,I buy organic free range far more expensive eggs, as I just can't buy cheap battery eggs any more knowing what goes on in those commercial egg places. Quite the difference, and it's not even spring or summer yet, this is on winter diets of feed supplied by me, can't wait until everything is green and bugs are back! MB
Wow what a difference. I cooked up my eggs this morning. They were so pretty we took pics.
Hey Guys and Gals, I need some help! I went out to let the girls out this morning and found Lemon with a bare patch on her neck. Appears to be eating and drinking fine and acting normal. I don't know when it happened but I don't remember seeing it yesterday. Should I do anything for her? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Red
I hope Lemon is feeling better. She looks like she is full of personality.
My RIR finally laid an egg this morning. ---- I'm so proud. :)
Congratulations! It's funny how pleased we are with ourselves when it finally happens - as if we did it ourselves!!! It is such a milestone and demonstrates all that care and attention has been well-placed.

May there be many more to come


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