Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

To the thread Jen! so happy to have another egg waiten, chicken lovin member here! Most of us have just started getting eggs within the last month or two. Some of us are experienced chicken owners, either waiting on new chicks, or waiting for their older hens to start laying after slowdown or molt. All are welcome, and it's a great place to come and just give daily updates and ask any questions you may have!

Thank you very much!
First time leaving the girls for the weekend :( DH and I took the motorhome and headed south. The snowy owls have made a rare stop in lower washington so I grabbed the camera to get pics! So excited, got here to late to see them but I'll be out there early am. My friends watching the girls and colecting their eggs have a great night all!
First time leaving the girls for the weekend :( DH and I took the motorhome and headed south. The snowy owls have made a rare stop in lower washington so I grabbed the camera to get pics! So excited, got here to late to see them but I'll be out there early am. My friends watching the girls and colecting their eggs have a great night all!
Even here in Southern California we are having a cold night. In the low 30's for us. It did snow at my friends house...

Have a good night all and try to stay warm.
Congratulations Sluggo.,, What a pretty egg, and a pretty pullet! I have two BR's, and I love them! I was so happy when I got my first egg, it only gets better from here! Welcome to the thread!

Quick update before we lose power, the winds are really picking up here, and allready have about 6 inches of snow, and the storm's worst is hitting after midnight... Wind blowing so hard, it's blowing snow very fine up into my coop. It was too windy and snowing too hard to do anything about it. It's a fine layer of snow, but I imagine through the night, it will be more. Next year I have to get some tarps up on the run so that I can block the wind and also it would have maybe stopped some of this snow from blowing in. urg... live and learn.

Wish me luck guys,, the worst kicks in after midnight,, and it's just yuck out!

Thinking of you and praying for your safety....keep us posted!

First time leaving the girls for the weekend
DH and I took the motorhome and headed south. The snowy owls have made a rare stop in lower washington so I grabbed the camera to get pics! So excited, got here to late to see them but I'll be out there early am. My friends watching the girls and colecting their eggs have a great night all!
Debbie where are the snowy owls at?
First time leaving the girls for the weekend
DH and I took the motorhome and headed south. The snowy owls have made a rare stop in lower washington so I grabbed the camera to get pics! So excited, got here to late to see them but I'll be out there early am. My friends watching the girls and colecting their eggs have a great night all!

So envious of the snowy owls! That sounds amazing!
My BF and I like to do a little birding, although our schedules rarely allow us to do it anywhere besides our backyard. But we do get a lot of migratory birds along the river. What I really want to do one day is go camping at the coast near Swan Quarter for the tundra swan migration.
Hi Everyone!

We are all safe and sound! We got over 2 ft of snow, and the worst seems to be over, but now, we are being bombarded with 60 mile an hour winds. We had a neighbor clear our driveway and a path to the barn, but the wind is blowing snow all back over what he did. I left the food and water in the coop as there is no way I can open the door to the coop, and I don't think they would want to come out anyway. I hope some serious pecking doesn't start in there, my coop is not very big. The pen has a 4 ft drift on one side of it. YUCK

I'm going to have to dig out our cars, no small feat believe me!

THank you for all the prayers and well wishes guys. xxoo....

Hi to all!

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