Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

My first egg was at 20 weeks. I thought it was a total fluke because I thought they started laying at about 24 weeks, but I got a second egg a week later so I guess at least one hen is getting ready. I have Light Sussex.
My first egg was at 20 weeks. I thought it was a total fluke because I thought they started laying at about 24 weeks, but I got a second egg a week later so I guess at least one hen is getting ready. I have Light Sussex.
to the thread Grit! Please come back often, we love hearing about everyone's chickens! Pretty birds in your avatar, I have two Columbian Wyandotte, and that coloring just is so pretty to me. What color eggs do your sussex lay? I have been dreaming of some Coronation Sussex, and love thier pale grey coloration as well. I hear that the Coronation are very people friendly, is it the same for the Light sussex? How old is your flock now?

Nice to have you!

Dolly BO close, sitting in the boxes but thats it

Julia,SL been in the nest this am

So now we have Julia (gold sexlink) at 19 weeks sitting the nest for the last hour :)
I have soooo much praticing going on it's making me nuts! Thanks everyone on the owls pics :) I love birds, pictures, and crocheting. We acyually have a nice day today, clear and almost 50 today Woo who! Thinks I'll get out and fill the wild bird feeders, and enjoy the rest of the weekend before work tomorrow Boooo LOL Heres the lastest on the girls...

RI (Lucy) not yet and BA (Rosie) laying :)
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Woo who 3 egg day today! 5 girls left to start :) I know the Americauns have a while ( April/May) but the others are all right there
Lilly (Dominic) and Lucy (RI)now 26 weeks and Dolly (BO) is 19 weeks. I'm surprised Lucy hasn't yet? We all thought she would be first.
Hey all. Just checking in. I've been having 4-6 eggs a day.I caught 2 of the girls who are not laying yet setting in the nest boxes and the other scratching in the boxes.

What I did to keep them from totally scratching all the hay out was add another 2 1/2 inch lip to the 2 inches orginally on the boxes, that keeps most of it in.

Looking forward to a 9 eggs a day. I so am loving the taste of my fresh eggs that I cooked store bought eggs today and I could not eat it. Now I am spoiled...

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