Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Hi, I'm a first-time chicken owner. I got my 8 Australorps almost 21 weeks ago when they were a day old. Seven have had big red combs for a good while now, now the 8th one's is finally bigger and redder. I'm thinking they should be getting close to laying and the weather has been nice and warm lately. I cleaned out the nesting box yesterday and put hay in them. One curious one went in and checked it out and scratched some of the hay out. I'm looking forward to seeing what they did to it overnight but it's been raining so things will be a little slow this morning. They use to all pile in the two nesting boxes to sleep but the last week they seem to think it's crowded so they're spilling out onto the roosts. (Wonder what their first clue was? LOL).

I was wondering what the earliest ages of the pullets were for some of your first eggs.
Hi KnobbyOaks! I think I forgot to give you a big WELCOME!

Do you have any pictures to post of your girls, are they all pullets? I have two Black Australorps, and I have to tell you, I think they are my favorite of the 5 breeds I have. I am thinking when I get a second flock of adding some Heritage BA's. They are so regal, and beautiful. I just love the way they carry themselves. One of my BA's is laying, the other one is my last hold out with laying an egg. She is slower to mature, and just started growing her comb and waddles. Here is a bad picture of her..
Can I ask where you got your girls from?

Have a great day, and please keep us posted.. hope your first egg comes soon!

Hi Angela!

I've got one thing to say..... PICTURES WOMAN! I want to see those tiny little babies, for now, I will live vicariously through you! They must be so adorable. Good luck with grad school, way to go!


OK - here are some pics of my newest little ones :) They hatched last Wednesday. They are just the cutest little things. They are mille fleur d'uccle. There are 6 of them but one of them is acting kind of odd this afternoon....gave it some electrolytes with the eye dropper and put some food near it on the paper towel.....

Here are some of my 8 Australorps. They will be 21 weeks old tomorrow and they're supposed to be pullets. I got them from Ideal and they have all been really healthy, despite being put out in the coop at 2 weeks of age (with a light). Even being too many of them for the size of their coop, they have gotten along very well. Waiting for eggs!!

The one below is my little mutt Nina. She has a yellowish tinge to her face and the web between her toes are yellow as are the soles of her feet. She's got something else in her.

BA's are so very friendly and full of personality. The ones with the biggest and reddest combs are always trying to sit on me. If both my knees are full, then a third one will try to sit on my shoulder. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Nina is the most stand-offish, from me and the others.

Hope I did okay with the uploading of these pictures.
KnobbyOaks, those girls are lovely, and they definitely look ready to pop out some eggs!

Angela, your chicks are adorable!! I can't wait to hatch some bantams!

I hate Mondays. I barely saw my chickens at all today. It was a 3 egg day. I'm ready for some new layers! A week from today I'm going to start collecting green eggs to hatch on St. Patty's. I love how every holiday on BYC signals a hatch-a-long.
Those are all some beautiful birds. Chicks and Hens!

I got egg 4 today!!! That's three days in a row with an egg so I think I'm on the way. 21 week old Light Sussex chickens.

This will be my last egg picture...well...for awhile. At least until they get bigger. Sorry if I am boring anyone. I just have to share because I'm so happy.


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