Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Congrats on the 16 eggs Angela!  What colors are they all?    this picture is about the cutest thing I've seen in a while.   I love how she just thinks she is a chicken, hanging out with some friends.  LOVE IT!


I get green, blue, various shades of brown, white and a pinkish color. I have one that lays a chocolate colored egg. She is a blue wheaten marans. They are so pretty in the carton togethed :)

Cash is a busy body. We frequently find him on the roof or at the top of the trees by the house. He wrestles with our dog and then nests with the chickens! Maybe he is having an identity crisis! Lol.

That cat is really funny. I'm betting it was a warm place and he just curled up there. I've seen numerous cats on top of TV sets for its warmth. (Guess the new slimline TV's a putting a cramp in their favorite haunts.) My granddaughters loved the photo.
No egg song today
- I stayed home from work and just new today would be the day.
She faked me out. I guess my BA was just testing out her vocals yesterday.

There are so many wonderful posts in here. I am inspired by many of you. I am in awe
of the care and concern expressed amongst some who have never met. I must say that
for a person who waited forever to join any kind of forum, I am so glad to have joined
BYC. Very kind, compassionate and fun people to be around. Love the kitty in the
nesting box. Made my day.

Take care all -
Angela~ I have a female cat that does the same thing! She likes to jump up into a box and clean herself, then curl up. I was wondering if she was close to being in heat or was looking for a snack in there. She can only get in when I have the coop door open though. She has a straw nest where i keep the cats food and such. Anyway~ handsome cat you have there.

This is our rescue cat, Cash. I found him in some bushes at our bank last August when he was just a tiny kitten. He has been raised around the chickens. I suppose he is trying to "hatch" something in there between the two hens. I found him in there this afternoon when I went to check for eggs. He seemed very pleased with himself and was just napping in there quite peacefully. Apparently, it didn't bother the hens - I got 16 eggs today!


I LOVE this! That is adorable and hilarious.

My cat Tuna likes to eat the fermented chicken food. The chickens actually make room for him at the bowl. He loves hanging out in the coop. When the chickens are locked up, he sits on top of the wire on the run and watches them. I guess he's part of the flock.
Well our first week of laying we got 4 eggs in 6 days-all of them perfect. So happy. And my "silent" roo crowed for the very first time this morning. He has a very low voice and crowed once...just to wake me up and let him out. He then made the mistake of deciding that he needed to assert his dominance with Hermia. Slo-fro(the roo) is very large, progeny of a silky and a huge Buff Orphington. Hermia is a black bantam barnyard mix. Well Slo pecked her one time...and then got himself chased all over the chicken yard by my tiny black fury of feathers. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. She has given him the occasional peck today just to make sure he knows his place.
That must have been hilarious... I wish you had video of that.

Gone for 2 days and wow do I have a lot of catching up to do... I hate to think of when I go on vacation for 4 days... but that is later in March and maybe they will have wifi.
Red congrats on your 2 10 for 10 days. So thrilled Lemon is doing well.
Melabella , I am sure that when you have time and heal up you can deal with your Rooster. Though a EE roo sounds really beautiful... anyway... If you can handle a horse that has an attitude then I am sure you can put your roo in his place. Yup... we have thumbs..;)
This is my first flock... so when we all molt it will be my first time as well... but with my girls being so different in ages now I should not have everyone doing it at the same time.
Congrats to everyone and there eggs... oh and Brooster... we are your support group... well maybe not;) maybe we are just encouraging your addiction... oops Either way we are all here for you. love those chicks and can't wait to see your green eggs hatch.
Got to go... today is my long day at work... great... running from classroom to classroom with rain... I love the rain but when I can stay at home and watch it...;) oh well. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Love Cash, animals are great--I swear my littlest barred rock Clemi tries to play with my border collie mix through the fence, the dog is just trying to get at their food, but Clemi lunges at her, or she'll run up to the fence with her head down. I would love to see what they would do together in the yard if i didn't think the dog would eat her. Maybe some day i'll have dogs and chickens living in harmony. :)

Good Morning Everyone...

I'm really tired of this weather, hard to get motivated to head outside. Also hating limping all over the place on the ice.

Duke is really giving me a hard time,
I wish he could be like the rooster above, and bring me coffee in the morning.
Sorry I haven't posted much lately, winter blues!

Have a great day everyone!

Good Morning Everyone...

I'm really tired of this weather, hard to get motivated to head outside. Also hating limping all over the place on the ice.

Duke is really giving me a hard time,
I wish he could be like the rooster above, and bring me coffee in the morning.
Sorry I haven't posted much lately, winter blues!

Have a great day everyone!
I am hearing you and if it was nicer I'd be heading south today!!! Our son flew down yesterday to Vegas and it is wind, rain. and mid 50s :p Love the post! LOL Spring is around the corner :) Take care and have a great day to you too!

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