Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

+I have an african goose and a mallard drake, I was given some rouen eggs to hatch so I placed them under my goose. They are due on June 9th so its coming soon! Yesterday when I got home from school I noticed my mallard was missing some feathers so I went in the pen when I saw my goose had a few broken eggs, I investigated her nest and everything was fine except for the broken eggs? Then my mallard drake lifted his left wing slightly and I noticed his feathers were brown on the underside instead of the usual white. I grabbed him and opened his wing up and it was covered in dried blood!!!
I immediately started to look him over and his left wing is broken and he has a large puncture wound in his side. Then I started adding details together...They dont have a covered run, he was obviously hit from the top, my goose is protective and had broken eggs from a disturbance.

After this I concluded that he was attacked by either a falcon or a hawk
Oh no, that sounds horrible. How are you treating that? I have such a hard time handling my hens that I worry if anyone ever gets a serious injury how will I treat it. Ugh... Hope he recovers.
Sorry this is not really going to be all chicken related. UGH what an emotionally draining day today has been. Starting at 3:33 this morning when my dog had a seizure. He has never had one before it was so scary. He is still acting really tired and still a bit shaking cause he is unsure why his body hurts. Or so says the vet I talked too. I didn't get back to sleep til 5:50am then hubby alarm went off at 6:10 and I couldn't get back to sleep. Then it was making the decision to take Tank to the vet and miss my sons baseball game or let Tank rest in the kennel and go to the game. Tank was acting sort of normal walking okay, peeing, pooping, drinking but not eating. Vet said that's okay. So I went to the baseball game. I had to keep the score book which I hate because I can't talk to people when I do it. But that was a blessing in disguise It kept my mind off Tank. I knew there was nothing more I could do for him but then to just let him rest. The boys played a great game they won 14-7 this was their teams second win of the season. The other teams first loss which made our win feel even better. Got home from the game Tank was still tired (still is now too) I did a bunch of research on dog seizures and how the dogs act afterwards. So I know what to expect and what is normal. Made me feel a bit better. Read the news to find it VERY depressing 4 people in our county were killed in 25 hours in separate motor vehicle accidents. Really freaks me out that my son will be getting his permit soon. He has put it off because of school and sports. So glad he has, I know he needs to drive but I am just not ready for him too.
that's off my chest........... now the chicken stuff. lol Phoebe is spending more time out in the run and she is back to sleeping on the roost and not in the nest. She still makes the quiet cluck cluck clucks when she is out foraging. Her feathers have not yet started to grow in which might now be a bad thing with summer coming. She needs to put on some weight though she lost so much while being broody. The rain has finally stopped and we have had 2 dry days the girls love the dry weather. This May was our 3rd wettest in history and the wettest month so far this year. My girls did pretty good laying for having dark cloudy weather.

May egg total 121!
I hope he isn't developing a chronic illness. the only seizure I saw was the one that our dog had when he died. It was horrible and try as I might, I cannot get that out of my mind. I miss him horribly and wish the bad memories would leave so that i can just remember the rest of his wonderful life with us. Anyway, hope he recovers without incident. Sorry for your wet weather. We have escaped a lot of the severe stuff but had 90s and humidity last week--oppressive-- and today, 70s and windy with 70s all week. Our weather seems to have become weather of extremes. The girls were really struggling with that heat a few days but we made it. They will enjoy the cool weather this week. Hopefully, the sun shines for you soon. :)
We got our first egg this AM. The Golden girl is an EE, the black is an Austrolorp and the red is just a production I think...or an Austrolorp. We ate an EE and a production red rooster. The hen was so friggin' loud laying this morning. Do they quiet down as they get stretched out? She sounded like I did at 9.5cm, lol.
We got our first egg this AM. The Golden girl is an EE, the black is an Austrolorp and the red is just a production I think...or an Austrolorp. We ate an EE and a production red rooster. The hen was so friggin' loud laying this morning. Do they quiet down as they get stretched out? She sounded like I did at 9.5cm, lol.

My girls started laying last October. I couldn't wait to get the first egg. And when I did get one I sent a picture of it to everyone. Of course my family and friends think I am nuts because of how they are treated like queens. And spoiled rotten. My husband built their coop and yard then doubled their yard just last month. They have about 1800 ft of yard to play in. And their coop has ceiling fan in it and walls are painted with pretty plant pics. I have one very special one named Curious because from the day I got them (3 days old) she always acted curious and she is the runt. At night when I go to close up the coop she jumps in my arms and wraps her neck around mine. Gives me little kisses and follows me around the yard non stop. And each morning they all get a little yogurt to start the day.
These are the first chicks I have had and wasn't sure what I was getting into. Now my mom can't wait to hear the chicken stories so she can tell them to her quilting group each Monday.
Last year when Hurricane Isaac was heading our way I brought them all in the house and put them in one of the bathrooms. Of course everyone thought I was nuts once again. And I hear all the stories about the different chicken dishes once they quit laying eggs. Well I am a vegetarian and that is Never going to happen.
I think that it is great that you brought them inside due to the hurricane... I would have done that. But then again I raise my chicks in my bathroom... and I am here... So it is OK if they think you are nuts... we all are. That means we are normal here and they are the crazy ones for not having chickens.

Nice to meet ya...
My girls started laying last October. I couldn't wait to get the first egg. And when I did get one I sent a picture of it to everyone. Of course my family and friends think I am nuts because of how they are treated like queens. And spoiled rotten. My husband built their coop and yard then doubled their yard just last month. They have about 1800 ft of yard to play in. And their coop has ceiling fan in it and walls are painted with pretty plant pics. I have one very special one named Curious because from the day I got them (3 days old) she always acted curious and she is the runt. At night when I go to close up the coop she jumps in my arms and wraps her neck around mine. Gives me little kisses and follows me around the yard non stop. And each morning they all get a little yogurt to start the day.
These are the first chicks I have had and wasn't sure what I was getting into. Now my mom can't wait to hear the chicken stories so she can tell them to her quilting group each Monday.
Last year when Hurricane Isaac was heading our way I brought them all in the house and put them in one of the bathrooms. Of course everyone thought I was nuts once again. And I hear all the stories about the different chicken dishes once they quit laying eggs. Well I am a vegetarian and that is Never going to happen.
awwww, sweet. I wish mine would give me chicken hugs or kisses. They follow me around and listen while I talk to them with the occasional squat but that's it. I love the ceiling fan in the coop.....i don't feel so crazy about putting up the little fan in my coop last week. I hear stories about good chicken dishes too. I eat chicken but most likely I won't be eating the chickens I have right now. My friends also love my chicken stories and constantly ask me to post pics on facebook. They have met the girls several times and love watching them. I think chickens are contagious.
Hi everyone! I'm still around... Spent most of May trying to get everything caught up at home and work after being gone for April, then the last week of May in the hospital with kidney stones :( Ended up having to have them removed, seems I'm pretty good at making them
Everything seems to be good so far now, 1st day back at work LOL Our australorp Rosie has decided to brood. Been a week now but already has stopped. No laying yet. Everyday we would go out to the coop and shoo her outside, then she'd eat, drink and hang out then head in again. LOL then one of us would go and shoo her out again. Sh'd stay out longer and longer and now she's done! Still getting 6-7 eggs a day. Haven't really caught up on the thread yet, hope all is well with everyone :) Happy warmer better weather and many eggs everyone!!!
Wow - Debbie welcome back "with the flock". We missed you.
Kidney stones are no fun. I had them both times I was pregnant and I believe they
are worse than the labor I went through. didn't need to have them removed though
glad you are feeling better.

Of my three hens, only two are keeping our family in eggs. The EE gives us one olive egg a week
whether we want it or not.
I can't believe what a slacker she is. We have had them
all since October. I thought she was just a slow bloomer, but come on. When she gives
an egg, it is perfectly normal. Doesn't seem to be any issue other than her being a tease.
We have checked our yard several times and nothing is hidden. She's lucky we enjoy her antics.

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