Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Thanks for the compliments on my Rooster. I just put 12 eggs in the bator!!! My first hatch!!!! a nervous wreck! Ive read a ton on incubating...hopefully we will have a good hatch!
Thought I would share my circle of life here. Way back when I was waiting for my one and only hen out of a hatch of 6 to lay. Now she is a mama! Here are her two chickies(and my chicken whisperer daughter). I'm hoping at least one of these babies is a girl. Hermia and the chicks she hatched(not her own eggs)-she is a bantam, they are 5 weeks old.
The chick with attitude has been renamed Oberon and the other one is Helena.
Thought I would share my circle of life here. Way back when I was waiting for my one and only hen out of a hatch of 6 to lay. Now she is a mama! Here are her two chickies(and my chicken whisperer daughter). I'm hoping at least one of these babies is a girl. Hermia and the chicks she hatched(not her own eggs)-she is a bantam, they are 5 weeks old. The chick with attitude has been renamed Oberon and the other one is Helena. [/quote what color are her eggs?
They are mutts:) The mama hen is a silkie/phoenix mix. She is not their biological mama though. The eggs came from my sister and are at least partially silkie and phoenix with the possibility of barred rock and auracana. The black one has two barred patches and beautiful cinnamon rims on her black feathers. She also has the slate colored legs and almost no comb. The other one has the silkie puffball head and beard, with ear tufts as well as blue ears and blueish/slate legs. I love the chicks I get from her because they are exceptionally heat hardy being laid in a flock that free ranges in the heat and cold all year. And I love having the surprise of having to wait till they hatch to see what colors and patterns we get.
Sorry I didn't see the other question. Mama hen lays blue/green eggs. She is a bantam but her eggs about the size of a medium store egg.
Ok my Chickens are almost 28 weeks and still no trace of laying eggs.So I go buy a couple of hens that are laying .Immediatly one goes broody so no eggs from her the other is a wounderfull egg layer and here is what I got day one and two.
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