Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Debbie what cute pictures! The dog and chicken are so much the same color they look like they could be related. What adorable pictures and I love your black one. All very nice birds!
I am so excited. My long wait is starting to pay off. My youngest pullet that I hatched myself in an incubator has laid her first egg today. A very pretty tiny pink egg. I took a picture with one of my New Hamphire eggs which is the darker egg and one with my Barred Rock's egg which is a light brown. Just wanted to share with you.
This is my B.R. egg and my new egg.

And this is my New Hampshire egg which is a large egg. Isn't it funny how they start out so small. I'm so happy with my little egg.
Oh Cong I am so excited. My long wait is starting to pay off. My youngest pullet that I hatched myself in an incubator has laid her first egg today. A very pretty tiny pink egg. I took a picture with one of my New Hamphire eggs which is the darker egg and one with my Barred Rock's egg which is a light brown. Just wanted to share with you. This is my B.R. egg and my new egg. And this is my New Hampshire egg which is a large egg. Isn't it funny how they start out so small. I'm so happy with my little egg.
I'm getting 7-9 eggs a day from my 10 barred rocks now. The first one of theirs was four and a half weeks ago. I'm anxiously waiting on my blue egg layers to start. I have a couple that have looked like they should have already started but haven't. So I got the calendar and realized they will just be 20 weeks tomorrow. I'm just impatient I guess.
Hi, I'm new here and to chickens. I collected my first two eggs Friday and the third egg today. The first two might not have both been laid on Friday one might have been a couple days old because I wasn't checking my boxes everyday. Here's what I have
2 light brahamas, 2 EE's and 3 Mille fleurs, 1 random manager's special banty Cochin that are all about 19 1/2 weeks
4 buff orpingtons, 5 SLW, 1 australorp, 17 weeks
6 Muscovy ducks 8 weeks
Then I have a brooder full of 6 week old chicks. EE, brahamas, marans, Delaware, coronation Sussex, jersey giants and cream legbars, blue ameracaunas and Swedish flower hens

I'm hoping the girls start kicking it into gear!
Mine will be 26 weeks on Thursday and still no eggs.
May be time for some fried chicken. LOL. They seem healthy and happy, are free ranging a little each day. Late afternoon. Everyone looks pretty much ready to go. My vet told me at my puppy appointment that here in Maine, fall birds can be tricky.
On the 12th of Oct. my New Hampshires will be 30 weeks old. Two out of four are still not laying. My Welsummer is the same age and has not laid an egg yet. So I think I have you beat Marcy 54. There must be something wrong in Ne. too. lol! On the other hand is My Owlie and she is 23 weeks old today and has been laying the last three. Very happy about that. Pretty pink eggs.
Wow Jharter 5130, you have quite a collection of really unique chickens. Love the brahmas and the Mille fleurs. I like all of what you listed. I have a Buff orpington and a black orpington in my flock. I hope your's lay sooner than mine are which is still not yet and they have to be 7 months. Fun, fun, good luck with your girls.

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