Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Only two of my hens are laying (25 weeks old yesterday) and not on an everyday occurance. The first egg was delivered one week ago today, Friday, October 10th and that hen has laid a total of 4 eggs in the last 7 days - not bad for a new layer I'm told. One other hen has laid 1 egg in the past 7 days while the other two go about their business as if they don't lay eggs :)
I have 16 white leghorn hens i'm getting 2 eggs per day for the last week, they are all 6 months old, I assume they are all the same age, expecting more eggs each day but it's not happening, I know the feeling.
my chickens started laying roughly 2 weeks ago, the first day I got 3 eggs, now I'm getting at least 12 a day.
Still waiting for those last 8 to start laying!
I've been getting 8-10 eggs a day from my Barred Rocks but I still can't get any blue eggs from the others. Some have had red combs and wattles from quite a while now.
No more waiting on my Buff Orpington. Got my first egg today. I could tell she was getting close. I actually guessed one right. She made two attempts today and laid one on the second try.. It was the largest first egg I have had so far from any of my chickens, an actual large egg. Yayyyy!!

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