Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

WOW PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many new eggs for so many new people! Too many posts to quote, and remember, but I am so happy that we have a new band of members heading into the cold months with new layers! Even though we many not see as many eggs during the dark/cold days of winter, this only means our girls will be up and running in full swing once the Winter Solstice passes and the days start getting longer... (December 21st on). Congratulations to everyone, and welcome to the egg waiting, and discussing laying, and anything else about our girls! I am building two new flocks with lots of different breeds and ages. I have also discovered the addiction of hatching with an incubator, and chicken math has taken on it's own unique meaning to me.... a bit out of control I am! My oldest girls that I have are 24 weeks, and over the weekend I got my first egg! I only have 3 of that age, and I think it was my white maran that laid the egg. Also, I am waiting on a Speckled Sussex and an Austra White. Hoping the Austra gives me whiter eggs rather than the light cream some of them can lay. She will be my first white egg layer. Very excited to see that. They are hatchery girls, and I know the white Maran doesn't lay as dark as the French Copper girls do, but I am fairly sure the egg is hers. It's on the dark side, with brown speckles on it. It was rather big for a first egg, and a young pullet.

Here's to our cold weather layers, and all the new eggs!

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As some of you know, we have 4 Black Australorps who are 25 weeks old. The first one started laying on October 10th and has given us 5 eggs in 10 days. The second girl has given us 2, the third has given us 1, while the fourth girl, well, she's not sure what to do :)

8 eggs by 3 girls in 10 days isn't bad, I don't think.
I have two chicks laying as of today, not sure who the second one is, I got Elliott's second egg yesterday around 1:30. Today there was another egg at 10 am.
WOW PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many new eggs for so many new people! Too many posts to quote, and remember, but I am so happy that we have a new band of members heading into the cold months with new layers! Even though we many not see as many eggs during the dark/cold days of winter, this only means our girls will be up and running in full swing once the Winter Solstice passes and the days start getting longer... (December 21st on). Congratulations to everyone, and welcome to the egg waiting, and discussing laying, and anything else about our girls! I am building two new flocks with lots of different breeds and ages. I have also discovered the addiction of hatching with an incubator, and chicken math has taken on it's own unique meaning to me.... a bit out of control I am! My oldest girls that I have are 24 weeks, and over the weekend I got my first egg! I only have 3 of that age, and I think it was my white maran that laid the egg. Also, I am waiting on a Speckled Sussex and an Austra White. Hoping the Austra gives me whiter eggs rather than the light cream some of them can lay. She will be my first white egg layer. Very excited to see that. They are hatchery girls, and I know the white Maran doesn't lay as dark as the French Copper girls do, but I am fairly sure the egg is hers. It's on the dark side, with brown speckles on it. It was rather big for a first egg, and a young pullet.

Here's to our cold weather layers, and all the new eggs!


Congrats on the new egg! So pretty!
Melabella that is a wonderful egg. So eggciting when it is from girls you hatched out.
Love it. My new girls are only 17 weeks old... Still got a wait on them. eggcited for them and all of us. Congrats on the new eggs everyone...
That is a beauty ! What a healthy looking shell too :). Our girls are just 17 weeks so we are waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Our Rooster Max was trying his best to crow on Saturday morning. My hubby and I were 2 very proud parents. It was wonderful and exciting. The dear little fellow sounded like someone was squeezing it out of him. Have a wonderful day.
I have found an egg three days in a row! Pretty cool huh? It looks like I am adding three new hens soon. They will be EE's that are already laying. I ordered a small coop on Backyard Chickens to house them until I move them into the main coop. Trying to make sure my coop is full enough for everyone to be warm this winter. I had originally planned on getting 10 hens and a rooster, but only found eight, then we lost the one, got the rooster. I found someone who has some extras, so I am going to look at them. Backyard Chickens had an A-frame coop that they are selling as a second. It comes with a repair kit, so I figure next spring, it will house my broody hen and some chicks. We are moving the chicks to the toolshed, and making a larger run next Spring. Anyhow, I hope to have a couple of turkeys too, so we can use the extra space.
Well, good luck with the new ones that are already laying. I have bought 4 in the last month from two different people and two of them haven't laid an egg yet. Out of the other two one laid one egg, a beautiful dark olive egg and hasn't laid another one since. The other laid four days in a row and hasn't laid an egg for over a week. At least those two I know laid eggs but the other two, I have no idea what's going on with them. I must be jinxed.

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