Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Thanks Melabella,
We actually have 18 girls and Max our rooster. This is our first time to have chickens. I love them so much. They are so tame and they chat so when they see us and love to fly up on our arms. So far just the 2 laying Melabella. I am so glad to hear it is just not our girls tossing their hay around. We are such rookies we never know if we should be doing something or not. We just can't keep it in the boxes :). My hubby is there putting the hay in and they are standing beside him pulling it out as he replaces it. I think maybe we will have to put some shavings in underneath the hay so the eggs have something to land on.
They have laid eggs on the floor, then in the nesting boxes, and today back on the floor. Whatever works I guess.
Thanks for your reply.
Hi Darlene....

I am fairly new myself, and thank goodness for this website and the wonderful people I have met along the way that have helped me so very much in learning about my new obsession into the world of chickens. I put nest box padding in each of my nest boxes. They are durable and plastic and have little fingers of plastic which absorb the shock of the egg hitting the bottom of the nest box incase of girls that remove the soft hay we so lovingly put in there! They were worth the investment, and the little plastic fingers even help keep the hay in each box. Even with all the hay removed, there is something to keep the egg protected. Here is a link to what I am talking about. You can see in the picture what they look like. Very easy to remove and disinfect on coop cleaning day!

They are new layers, so don't worry, before you know it, they will all be in the swing of it, and the next thing you'll get a kick out of is watching 10 girls cackling away, on line, waiting for an occupied nest box, when there are 5 other open ones perfectly vacant. Not too bright these ladies sometimes!

Happy Halloween!

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Hi everyone. It is a blustery day out here in south western Maine. No snow yet, but it is said to be coming. Very windy. Waiting for contractor to come put a door in the kitchen so the dogs can walk out to the dog yard.

First morning in forever Rocky the Roo didn't wake us up at 4:30 am crowing. We slept until 7am or previously 8am. I was supposed to drive north a bit to pick up three EE laying pullets today, but they are already getting snow, so we have postponed that.

Yesterday was my first ever 2 egg day! Hopefully today will be another. Rosy is definitely my early morning layer and I think maybe Elliott. I got 8 eggs last week with one non laying day.

I need to get plastic sometime today, hopefully after the contractor leaves to cover the porch windows and one of the coop windows. Always something to do.
Wow! Do I ever have egg on my face LOL! Here I have been worried about when my chickens (1 RIR, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Australorp) would start laying. Rhett, the RIR, is the friendliest, and I was worried because she kept flying over the fence and would be gone until morning; not coming to roost in the evening. Well, last night, we discovered her "brooding" in the bushes of the raised flowerbed on the outside of our front covered porch. 23 eggs!
I have 16 white loghorn girls all suposed to be the same age now 28 weeks, over the last 3 weeks only 6 have started to lay is this normal or do you think some are younger than the others.

Put curtains on the nests,

Racer just started squatting for me (she's 24 weeks) and was really looking like I was going to get a first egg today :)

My new girls are now 22 weeks and all are getting along well :)

My 2 oldest girl are 26 weeks and nothing :(
Wow! Do I ever have egg on my face LOL! Here I have been worried about when my chickens (1 RIR, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Australorp) would start laying. Rhett, the RIR, is the friendliest, and I was worried because she kept flying over the fence and would be gone until morning; not coming to roost in the evening. Well, last night, we discovered her "brooding" in the bushes of the raised flowerbed on the outside of our front covered porch. 23 eggs!

Look what I finally found in the nest box!
Right where it should be in a nice nest of straw was this little gem. Pretty olive color. It's small but not too tiny and well formed...not bad for a 1st egg.

One of these nice ladies finally decided to start laying. At about 27 weeks I was starting to wonder if I would ever see an egg. Now if she'll just teach the others...


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