Any treats for new baby chicks?

I just nailed a tiny cup to the brooder wall and kept some grit in there all of the time. None of them overdid it and all of them ate grit (and bugs). FWIW, I didn't buy grit because I have a granite scrap driveway and granite scrap is what is used to make commercial grit. I just grabbed a steel mesh strainer and shook a scoop from where the finer bits wash when it rains through that strainer. The stuff that fell through went in the cup.
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I give mine canary grit the first few days. Bought it at Walmart..

As far as treats go I give mine bits of hard boiled egg and green sprouts.To grow sprouts I take canary seed and place between sheets of damp paper towel. Within a few days you will have nice greens for them to snack on.
If you give small bird grit, make sure you read the label to see what's in it. Some of them are calcium supplements as well as grit and you don't want to give chicks a calcium supplement.
Put the grit in a container separate from their feed and just leave it in the brooder 24 hours a day. They will consume it as they need it. They will know when.
Thanks everyone. It's been pretty fun throwing little buggies in the box with them and watch them all go crazy flittering all over the place. lol.

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