Anybody else share a computer with another BYC member?


Don't you ever play practical jokes on other members of your family?
We kid around alot.... don't get me wrong we can be serious too. I think I'm closer to my kids with all the pranks we play on one another.

I thought it was funny.

I think its cool what you and rawr have going! My daughter and I do the same thing, only we edit each others myspace profiles (background designs) or we put something silly in the what I'm thinking/doing section. We ocasionally change each others pictures/avatars too. We love to play jokes on each other. She is almost 13, but we do have rules, nothing imodest, improper, profane, or really embarrasing. Other wise, we have fun!

I tend to be very careful about who is on my friend list, and I heavily monitor her computer usage. She knows that and has never been a problem- just a joy to play around with!

Good for you guys, I think its great!!
When i was in high school my brother and i would always tell someone the phone was for them when we'd get a hang up's alot harder to pull it off now with caller ID though lmao
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Nah, I'm super careful with passwords.
Otherwise I might open my laptop one day and find that DH has defaced my glorious files filled with Anthony Bourdain and Hugh Laurie pictures.

After the last time he teased me about it, I set the screen saver to scroll through those particular files...>_>
Rawr has changed her password
I get her when she forgets to log out. I haven't changed mine... I enjoy our little pranks too much!
I think the poster who called your antics "creepy" was confused or not paying attention. It's obviously just family silliness going on. I wish my mother (back in the day) played around with me like that.

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