Anybody have a place in their coop for dirt baths?


11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
East Central Illinois
Here's the deal: DD had an April, 2011 wedding, horses needed training, coop did NOT get built in 2011, chickens are spending ANOTHER winter in a horse stall. =(
But, it's pretty big--12 x 16. I had to move some rubber mats out so I put in garden dirt over 78 square feet and my flock of 15 hens (& 2 roosters) are taking daily dirt the Central IL.
DH and I have developing our building muscle with lots of little projects and the coop building starts this April. I think I'd like a box with dirt for them to use next winter--removing it in the Spring. Has ANYBODY ever done this? I'm doin' it anyway, but it's worth asking. =D
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Our entire run is sand so our girls take dust baths in that. I spread DE throughout the run so that works well. When they free range they just pick a spot and dig a hole in the dirt.
Mine is sand too! They love bathing in it.

Our entire run is sand so our girls take dust baths in that. I spread DE throughout the run so that works well. When they free range they just pick a spot and dig a hole in the dirt.
Mine couldn't bathe outside in the winter bc the sand would be frozen. =/ I wanted to know if anybody in the north has put a box INSIDE their coop with dirt. My garden dirt is dried out and they can scratch it bc it's out of the weather. I just wanted to know if you've done this, should I expect infighting. Right now, there's enough dirt to go around, so to speak.
I have a very large kitty litter box in my coop and it is used a lot. In fact, I need to supplement the 'dust' as it is nearly empty. I just dug some dusty soil from where the flock was already dusting and added DE to the box. This winter they have been able to find plenty of places around the house to get their dust baths as well. They especially like (RATS!) the large planting pot on my back deck.
I have a large cat box with sand and de inside the coop. Sometimes they use it and other times they bathe in the bedding.

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