Anybody have any ideas for chicken entertainment?

The mirror is normally for a chick or a chicken or his a loner ( Has no chicky friends)Its to make the chicks think there is someone there.So they wont become stressed in die.
I also give them meal worms,watermelon,corn and,lots more.Chickens like a place to dust bath.I need to do moving more.IRoost are good had a small spot,but put a chair there.I like digging holes and crushing the dirt which they see it they go and bath.I'll post more pictures more detail.I like crossing the roost.I've added a skinnier one to it.
They also enjoy this shade.They seem to think its okay when I cut the grass and it flies into the coop yard.
At first my chickens were scared of the lawnmower because of the noise, I suppose, but now they know they will get a treat when it passes by so they get excited instead of scared!
they love it when bugs fly everywhere.But they love it more when I free range them and cut grass.WAYYY more bugs!
Blueberry game.... I throw blueberries one at a time and they all chase it.... Tonight my oldest 2 started jumping up and grabbing them out of my hand... They LOVE blueberries...I also use cherry tomatoes..
Blueberry game.... I throw blueberries one at a time and they all chase it.... Tonight my oldest 2 started jumping up and grabbing them out of my hand... They LOVE blueberries...I also use cherry tomatoes..
I had myself a big hunk of seeded watermelon earlier and ate it in the coop, spitting the seeds out to my girls. Word of advice, when spitting a watermelon seed on a chicken, take care that it won't bounce off of their feathers and onto the edge of your shoe. That was just a little too much entertainment for the little raptors.

Got a chicken swing in there currently, and kicking around ideas for a raised dust bath area in my coop.

I also just picked up a bag of meal worms today and punched some holes in a little bottle that I had. Just froze some water in it to give the drill a little more resistance. Just letting it dry out now before loading up some mealworms in it.
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