Anybody have pictures of BYC merchandise?


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
I want to get moving on creating stuff to give away / sell / use. Does anybody have pictures of any of the BYC merchandise (shirts, etc.) from the past?

Also, anybody have good artistic skills? Maybe we should have a logo drawing contest and bumper sticker / shirt design contests.

I want to start finding ways for us to share the BYC news will all those people that are chicken lovers, but just don't know it yet.

BTW, I was talking to CC and there isn't any better way to get the word out then with a cool BYC bumper sticker. I know people don't like the sticky kind, so I'm looking into magnetic and static cling ones. I think I'm going to run out the the office store and get some of the inkjet bumper stickers to put on my car until I can get real ones printed.


Yeah, I really like the cling kind! The only problems I've heard with them are that if they are on the outside of the window they can come off in a car wash, etc. If they are on the inside facing out they become really hard to see (with reflections on the glass and even a little tinting).

I'll try some experiments and see what some of the best options will be. I'll try to give people a choice of what they want to use.

On my super long commute a BYC bumper sticker / magnet would be super!!!
My goal with this stuff is to spread the word about chickens and the site. When new people come to I want to convince them that chickens are great pets and make it easy for them to learn how to care for them.

I think most people will want magnet bumper stickers (ironically probably won't stick to the actual bumper because most are plastic), so that is what I'll look at first. They are about 3 times more expensive, but I think they are worth it.
Hey carla, that's an idea. The only problem is it is more expensive to run two types. So, let's say I could get 250 for $ each or I could get 100 of two types for 2 x $.

Another option is to get the sticky kind and then order a bunch of magnets that are the same size. People can stick the regular stickers to their magnets. That way one print run will work for both situations... heck, you could even stick new stickers on top of each other using the magnet as the base... now there's an idea!

This isn't a great pic...I was originally showing off the purple hair color...but Rob, yours is only a couple of fonts off from the original design

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