Anybody keeping gamefowl?


11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Tampa Bay
I am itching to get a few gamefowl hens, anybody keeps those beauties here?

How many eggs per season game hen will produce? I can use them for hatching peacocks, since they are excellent and protective mothers.
i keep some game hens mostly game roosters

right now i have 15 game hens they lay pretty good but mine are usually setting on eggs
i use them for guinea eggs, peacock eggs, chicken eggs, game chicken eggs, and turkey eggs
one of my grey games would attack you if you came within 10 ft of her chicks
but you don't want to let game hen hatch and raise peafowl/what i do is let them hatch them(much better hatch rate than my incubators like 95 to even 100% hatch) then take the peachick and put in in a brooder on wire above ground
like i said they lay really good but in spring and summer don't let eggs accumulate unless u want them to set cause they will!
good luck:)
the rooster in this picture is hatch X sweater the hen is Democrat X hatch
There's a whole entire thread here on Gamefowl, just look back to I believe the second or third page to find it. . I myself have Oriental Gamefowl and LOVE them.

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