Anybody know how to knit socks?


11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
Central Louisiana
Are there any beginner instructions or you-tube videos or something that could help a beginner learn how to knit socks? just basic socks, nothing fancy. Thanking you in advance for any help/advice!
I ended up buying a book by Patons on sock knitting, it seems pretty clear. Of course, I bought several other books, too!

I am finishing up a scarf and I'll be knitting a pair of socks next! we should do sock KAL!
My Gram knitted socks for all of us the grandkids - 12 of usin all. Best Christmas presents ever! Even better than the scarves and mittens.
I still have the last pair that she made for me - there are too many dropped stiches so I can't wear them for fear of them unwraveling. I am hoping to find someone who knits that can pull the pattern off this pair so I can make more.
She made neat-o socks that twisted up into a tight tube shape when you washed them, then un-twisted and expanded when you put them on. Never had cold feet when I was ice-skating because of Grams thick, knitted socks.
I knit simple socks. I do a k1 p1 for six or seven rows knitting in the round and then straight knit until they are as long as I want, finishing off by decreasing for the toe area and stitching it closed. They are just tube style with no heel pocket on them. I borrowed books from my library on knitting and they had a couple that were nothing but socks. I make heavy wool ones that the kids can wear around the house in winter with no shoes.
I knit socks - always have socks in my purse in case I get stuck waiting somewhere! I use size 1 double points (2.25 mm needles), 72 stitches. I do 20 rows of k1p1 ribbing, then 52 rounds of plain stockinette (totals 72; easy to remember) and I use the little brass coil-less pins to keep track of rows.

I do the heel on half of the 72 stitches - 36 stitches, 36 rows. Easy to remember. Then I do the heel turn on half of that - 18 stitches. I pick up stitches for the gusset (20 or 21 stitches on each side, as long as both are the same it doesn't matter), and decrease every other round until I'm back to 72 stitches. Then I knit - wait for it! - a total of 72 rounds for the foot until I start the toe. I use the German Round Toe for the toe so that I never have to kitchener. (I also like the way it fits.)

I count the number of rows for the foot from the pickup row of the gusset, and again use the little brass pins to keep track. I put a little pin every 10 rows, and re-use the pins from the leg when I start counting for the foot length. I do adjust the length of the foot for different people, but so far my generic 72-stitch pattern works for everyone.

I have been knitting for a very long time (I had a grandmother who taught me when I was a child), and knitting socks for a really long time (since around 1990, when Vogue Knitting had an article on knitting socks). If you have any questions on certain parts of the sock pattern, or need to find a video to show a technique, please feel free to ask. I'd be happy to look for videos that might work for you, or help any way I can.
try going to they have lots of videos and a forum with lots of helpful folks, there also are a couple ways to do socks, on circular needles, double point and a technique called 'magic loop' - i am a new knitter and have found lots of help there

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