Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

Waiting till morning will be so nerve wracking! But probably the exact right thing to do! I'm just really anxious because I lost two of my baby goats over the weekend and a litter of bunnies :'(

So sorry to hear about your losses. Pour yourself your favorite libation and put on a movie that puts you to sleep, and if you wake up through the night, don't turn on a light...
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On what day are you going to start the new batch? I have eggs in route from Georgia to New York, as we speak. Most likely setting Wednesday morning or Thursday morning of this week. I'm so looking forward to this batch, now that I've got one under my belt and can really start fine tuning now!

Ruby, I was just looking through the list of current hatch-a-longs, and matlock585 has started a hatch-a-long with eggs set on 5-13-15, so I will probably tag along on that thread for my next batch. Of course we could just be brazen and start our own hatch-a-long, if you do up the starting page with lots of FAQs and pointers...;-]
One broody Chantecler two days ago on her own egg. One CM mix 2 weeks ago. I like CMorans and Chanteclers being the only Canadian breed hen. I would like more but sadly they will be moran mixes anyway. If she has a fertiized egg will know in a week at candling right?
The others I candled once. Leaving them alone now. Shhhhhh Quiet.

Proud owner of 2 Silver Cuckoo Roos, 2 Copper Moran Roos, one red Comet, one Partridge Chantecler, one CM hen , one Light Brahma, one Wellsummer, one Wheaton Americauna, one Lavender Orp, 2 Barred Rocks, two copper moran mixes.
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After reading you alls posts I want a bigger incubator!! Mine only holds 12, I also set eggs 4/26... 9 Icelandics and 3 Old English Bantoms... got 6 Icelandics. None of my OEB were fertilized, and 2 Icey died pretty early on and one pipped and died. I hate when they do that. Makes me so sad!! Got our 4-H Turkeys in on Friday, so they're all rooming together!! Funny to me because I've been doing the OEB with the Iceys and they looked big but now they're in with turkeys and they look small!!
I just set my first quail eggs on Sunday (5/16/2015)! They were given to my son to hatch out... 25 of them fit in my little incubator! I'm excited to see them hatch! Any advice from you quail people for the first timer?!! They're Bobwhites given to us from a friend in Indiana who raises them.

Thought you might enjoy the pic of my range of eggs... Top is from a Rhode Island Red (I'm pretty sure), then an Icelandic, then one of my Old English Bantoms, and then the quail egg!

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It's 3:21 am here and I just finished assisting the last two hopefuls out of their shells. Both are very tired. So far I have four live hatches and two that pipped and died. I still have 18 eggs in there three of which I'm sure were quitters about 5 days ago. After setting them upside down for the first 14 days I'm pretty happy to get any survivors.
My hatch is almost complete!

I set 26 eggs, pulled 2 the first week (one clear one early quitter). 24 eggs went into lockdown, so far I have 21 chicks, 1 pip, 1 doing nothing as of yet, and 1 that piped and died.

Not bad if I do say so myself lol. Im pretty happy!
Looks like I might have one more chick to add to my total, I have an egg that I thought pipped and died last night, only to find it mid zip this morn. But it looks sticky and stuck, time will tell.
Congrats on the awesome hatch! How do you like the brinsea heat lamp? Do you need to keep a bulb too or does that take the place of it?

Thanks :highfive: I love the Ecoglow, but I do have a lamp for out in the brooding shed. I do wish though I had bought the 50 Ecoglow now with having more chicks. The Ecoglow is a more natural way to brood chicks as in they go hide under it like mother hen have a warm come out and go back under. Plus for house brooding it's great as its dark on a night the chicks are not making noise all night!!

I have 2 of them and my plan was to put both out in the shed and not use the lamp but with having 3 late ones still in the house I used the lamp for the shed again. Plus the weather is rubbish here at the minute for May.
Looks like I might have one more chick to add to my total, I have an egg that I thought pipped and died last night, only to find it mid zip this morn. But it looks sticky and stuck, time will tell.

That's a great hatch :thumbsup What a little monkey that chick was!! Hope it hatches ok for you. My last three took ages to zip and hatch, but after my last hatch where I helped one finish zip and then had to cull it I was determined to stick to my rule of not helping at all. The three are still a little wobbly but are eating and drinking now so that's a bonus. Another day and they can go into the shed.

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