Anyone bought from My Urban Farmer?

Horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE experience with them. Terrible product and even worse customer service. The crappy coops from the feed store are better quality AND the employees there at least TRY to be helpful. Save yourself a headache and stay far, far away from MyUrbanFarmers/ChickenCoopsNW!
I know this is an old thread, but with all the customer complaints, shouldn't this be a wakeup call for the pre-fab makers to step up their game?

Maybe they should do some homework themselves knowing that a chicken needs way more space than they advertise, not putting nest boxes above roosts, using flimsy building materials etc., the list goes on.

Maybe they think a sucker is born every minute, and those who are not handy with tools will fall prey to what they have to offer.

I don't know how they can have a clear conscience selling crap. Who knows, it is definitely a business, and they're probably passing off some of their goods (probably made in China) as their own line of coops.
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I know this is an old thread, but with all the customer complaints, shouldn't this be a wakeup call for the pre-fab makers to step up their game?

Maybe they should do some homework themselves knowing that a chicken needs way more space than they advertise, not putting nest boxes above roosts, using flimsy building materials etc., the list goes on.

Maybe they think a sucker is born every minute, and those who are not handy with tools will fall prey to what they have to offer.

I don't know how they can have a clear conscience selling crap. Who knows, it is definitely a business, and they're probably passing of some of their goods (probably made in China) as their own line of coops.
Yeah, this is an old thread and I'm surprised at how many people feel the need to buy a coop! I am a woman with no construction experience in my past, now retired and well past 65 years old, but I made my own coop by myself! It's not rocket science!
Yeah, this is an old thread and I'm surprised at how many people feel the need to buy a coop! I am a woman with no construction experience in my past, now retired and well past 65 years old, but I made my own coop by myself! It's not rocket science!
Good for you!!!

It's not rocket science, and I like to sit down and draw up my plans, then get busy. Not being a professional, but I learned throughout the years how build stuff for my own needs. I took three sheets of plywood (my best friend) and came up with this brooder....


I pre-drilled the holes and used an electric screwdriver to attach the sides, hinges, clasps, and a jig saw to cut out all the holes to attach the hardware cloth with staples. Done in one afternoon.

I think that if people would understand how a power tool works, they wouldn't be so intimidated to take on a project themselves.

I would rather use a host of power tools any day than trying to operate some of those fancy sewing machines out there with all the bells an whistles.

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