Anyone Brew beer???

My Dh brews his own. He's doing something with a chocolate ale? All I know is the wort (sp) stinks up my kitchen
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What is the best way for someone to start out brewing breer? Are those kits you see worth it, or is there a better way to start off to see if it something that would make a good hobby for you?

I've had an interest in making my own brew, but I'm a little intimidated. Any suggestions would be great.
well I haven't brewed any beer in 15 years but your best bet is to locate a brewing supply store talk with them about how big of a hobby you want to make it we had a 10 gal tub we used to germinate the beer and then we had bought the expensive flip top beer and my dad and I had a great time emptying them and those were the bottle's we use to bottle the beer with it was more expensive but so much easier plus they were 32 oz bottles instead of the 12 oz bottles you normally get we didn't need a bottle capper ( though we did own one. and the 12 oz beer bottles to go with it lol ) the little keg kit is ok if your not that serious about it and you you just want to scratch "brewing beer " off your bucket list but if you love beer you will want tio brew more than once than I would say your best bet is a full set upI don't drink booze/beer anymore but if I did I would brew my own
I will be brewing a red ale here pretty soon. The best place to find brew kits if your just getting started is midwest brewing supply. another place to get lots of info is The Brewing Network ( Like BYC the forum is very good about answering questions. They also have podcasts going back 3-4 years, very well done. If you can find John Palmers book How to brew at your library. There is a free version on line but the most upto date info is in the book. Good luck getting started but like chickens it's very addictive.
When I first started college in Chico years ago ( a Budweiser man) I was introduced to home brewed beer by a classmate. He and his roommates had varying successes and failures with brewing and it was always fun to find out which it was going to be this time.

I don't brew myself but since then I hardly ever drink anything but our local "home brew" Sierra Nevada.
I'm partial to the strong hoppy ales myself.

I will add that most of the failures were likely the result of wild yeast, probably because of a breach in the sterilization procedures. If your going to brew you have to keep your work site as clean as possible, especially when bottling.

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