Anyone ever have a incubated egg blow up?

A bad egg should smell horribly. I had one egg get that bad and I noticed a smell when I opened the incubator to turn long before it was bad enough to blow up. It wasn't even weeping. If you leave them and don't find the bad smell eventually smelly goo will start to leak out of the egg. That's when it's about ready to explode. There's too much pressure in the egg to contain all the bacteria and liquid. If you set eggs that were stored properly and aren't too old it should take a week or 2 for an egg to go rotten. You usually have plenty of time to find it if your paying attention and turning eggs by hand. It's the people who have a turner and never open the incubator that are at the most risk of missing a bad egg and having it explode.
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normally a smell

I had a quitter egg blow up on me. What imean by quitter egg is my cochin hen was sitting her eggs and I started collecting eggs from under her to throw them out (had been under her way too long) I picked one up and was looking at it to make sure I didnt hear any chicks and KABLOOOIEE all in my face and long hair!!!! I als gasped...and go tsome in my mouth! In my hand fell the partally developed chick....i could see it was very near to hatching....still had yellow and black coloring....but *GAGS* i'd rather fall face first in doggie doo than have an egg explode on me again! LOL! And thats saying a lot!
we had a bad,, bad smell come from our bator,,, i finally found the egg, took it outside, went to crack it a bit to have a look-see,, first tap and BANGOOOoooo ,, thing went off like a firecracker
,, luckily i was breathing out,, kept my hand down wind,, and ran to the hose,,, but MAN did it smell ,, umm,,,, funky,,,,,
That's so gross, lol. I am scared to death of the undeveloped eggs when I candle at day 14. I place them VERY carefully in a quadruple layer of plastic grocery bags, tie it up tight, and tiptoe with them to the garbage
Yeah ... I am a little overly cautious. Especially since I haven't yet had a smelly one, but just the thought a rotten egg exploding on me is nauseating enough
I am scared to death of the undeveloped eggs when I candle at day 14. I place them VERY carefully in a quadruple layer of plastic grocery bags, tie it up tight, and tiptoe with them to the garbage

I smash them open.
If they are possibly very bad I do it on a piece of old plywood behind the barn. I can't stand to throw out an egg without knowing exactly how far along it is and try to figure out why it died.​
Most of mine (not all ... but I haven't been getting too many quitters) are just completely clear and usually from our hamburg pen. I think the combination of an old roo with a bunch of old gals isn't the best for high fertility

We did hatch out several chicks from the first batch of eggs we incubated though ... but half the eggs we set then and everything since has been clear
So keep my nose open for smell
So if I smell something gross I get my husband to candle the eggs for me--hehe!
I will too! I never thought about seeing a undeveloped chick in the exploding egg.
That is even worse!!!!!! YUCK!

So I need to be careful on day 14?????
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One of Hershey Duck's eggs went bad under her, it didn't blow up though. I kept finding one egg out of the nest so I'd put it back and the next morning it would be out again. I wasn't sure it was the same egg so I put an X on it and two days in a row it was out and rolled about 10 feet away. I watched out the window the next morning very early and sure enough, she rooted around through the eggs and pushed that one out, then she got out of the nest and pushed it far away. I left it alone after that and two days later it blew up on it's own. Smart duck! She was probably thinking I was nuts to keep putting an egg she knew was bad back in her nest. It wasn't formed or anything, just rotten.

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