Anyone ever order flowers online?


12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
northwest Ohio
We are selling carnations at our school for v-day and are giving the profit to a charity. We want to get them the cheapest possible, we called around, and i thought of ordering them wholesle online. Has anyone ever done this. is it a good or bad idea? Thanks!
Only ordered online to send as a would be better to look for wholesale flower markets and get their early to purchase, it will save you a small fortune, providing you have them over there, we do have them here....but the US is such a big place!

I wish you luck though ......had an idea for you......I once held a baloon race for Charity, it was great fun and the children (and adults!) loved it.....everyone purchases a balloon (I charged £1.50), put an return address label on it, had a world map going, whoever's balloon travelled the furthest (providing the label was returned) won a prize.......obviously you have to have a cut off date for the event. It raised £500.00 = $1000 in those days!

and the inital outlay was peanuts....balloons labels helium gas...da da...more money for the charity rather than large outlay......

Good luck......
EC that is a fabulous idea.

I have not ordered bulk flowers online...simply gifts for Mom and MIL and such.
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