Anyone from Missouri?

there are so many breeds who are gentle. I have a dominque that loves to held. I hear the orpingtons are layed back. I think you will hear from lots of folks who have a certain bird/birds that are very docile. Mine sits on my lap and loves to be held. She will check out the dog's feed bowl while they are eating and they don't bother her. It is all in the attention you give them. Now sit back and enjoy all the different breeds you will hear about and the wonderful chicken pet stories you will hear about.

Well...I went to the feed store and came home with...

5-Buff Orpintons

Now time to get the coop made, lol. Starting tomorrow. I am going to try to upload some photos. I of course think they are perfect and have already started naming them.

Ok so I can't figure out how to add photos
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Good for you!! Now you can find all the great breeds for yourself. You know you will have to get more so you can try them all???
Welcome to the addiction!!
I missed this thread earlier, it looks like there a few people close by!! We are east of Lee's Summit in Johnson County. Currently raise a variety of wild waterfowl, pheasants, finches and a few breeds of domestic fowl.

Welcome Lophura, I'm new myself
It seems you live fairly close to me, lol. I just got my first ever chicks 2 days ago and my bh has built me the best brooder box for them (Hope coop comes out just as good). Still working on uploading pics for all to see.

Have a Good Day
Lophura-- I grew up in south KC but am now settled with my family in Jefferson City. I only have chickens but have considered guineas in the future and your website is wonderful!! Before my latest evolution as a stay-at-home mom, I was a biologist and I really appreciated the carefully documented science contained in your site. A real pro website, kudos to you. It was intertesting reading about all the other types of birds that I've seen in zoos or not at all as well. Thanks for posting!

cluckychick-- I had chicks and chickens long ago as a kid and have been waiting about 15 years to be in a spot where I could have them again. We just moved to 18 acres in Jeff City and I have some 5 wk olds and 2 wk olds--- buuuut it turns out a bunch of my 5 wk olds are roos (got them from a classroom hatching project) so I will be looking for homes for most of then and then its back to Orschelins for a small batch of pullets. So I'm rght there with ya!
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Thank you for the kind words, it is much appreciated!! I try to keep the information as accurate as possible, but things seem to change quite often!! In the 10 years since we started, there have been 2 new grouse species (splits from subs), 1 pheasant species "delisted" (Imperial downgraded to a hybrid), several subspecies moved between species (back-forth Silver-Kalij complex), subspecies upgraded to species-then downgraded to subspecies (Vo Quy's, Hainan Peacock, etc.). My wife keeps me with access to the recent journals via her grad program at UCM in Warrensburg, so I try to post the info as it becomes available.

Congrats on the new birds!! If you want some more, will need find a home for a few Marans/Americana crosses I hatched for my little boy to "hold" (safer than allowing him to "hold" pheasants, he's 3).

For others in the west-central MO area, would anyone be interested in starting a meet-n-greet in our area? With gas prices so far out there, it would be nice to network with keepers and breeders close by.

Hi, I'm Trisha.

I live outside Wright City, about 47 miles west-northwest of St. Louis off I-70 near exit 200.

There's hubby and I, 3 shelter-rescued cats, 12 hens (down from 19 - it's been a rough year!) and a recently rescued Turken roo from Longmeadow Rescue Ranch. He's much more quiet and gentle with me and family than our other young Roo Who Was Christmas Dinner, but man, he still jumps those girls!

April 10th we go to Lebanon to pick up our babies from Cackle - 15 Turken pullets (it's the roo's fault; he's got such an awesome temperament!), 10 Ameraucana pullets, and 5 White Wyandotte pullets.

As soon as they're up and laying, the white layers will be hitting the freezer. I really don't like the leghorn and leghorn hybrids as far as personality goes. They've been pretty aggressive toward my SL Wyandottes and where I started out with 4 I only have 1 left due to them picking at them till they bleed or lose toes or both. I mean, I'm not mad at them - that's just what chickens do - but I really liked my Wyandottes, so gentle and mellow.

What I will have left of the first flock will be the one lone Wyandotte and 5 Black Stars, all pullets, unless the one bird in this mess who has the watery diarrhea is one of them. Blast it if I can find out who's leaving me that nasty present! With all the rain lately I'm lucky to get eggs, feed and water, and shovel up the wet litter.

Have a good TUesday -

Trisha in MO

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