Anyone hatching April 5-7 or so? ALL DONE, READY TO BE LOCKED

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10 Years
Oct 27, 2009
Carlsbad, CA
Hi, I'm hatching with a broody and a homemade incubator. Would love to keep up with others hatching at the same time.
Anyone in?
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I set about 20 eggs on monday
Awesome!! What do you have? So you're hatch date is what, 4/4?

I've got 45 Silver laced wyandottes, bearded silkies, orpingtons and easter eggers. 10 under my broody and the rest in the bator.
Hey Koakritters, are you waiting for eggs? What kind are you getting? What kind of incubator are you using?
Thanks for joining the thread!!
i am picking up a dozen tomorrow morning, and another dozen sun afternoon so i'm waiting until then to put them all in together. as for what i'm getting, a bunch of barnyard mixes really! i had a hard time with my eggs from my hens so i found two people selling hatching eggs for $8/dozen, all mixes of some sort, i know the hens are:
Mille Fleur D'uccle
Porcelain D'uccle
rooster possibilities are:
Buff Laced Polish
and from the other breeder's hens:
Easter Eggers
and 'white eggs' just what i wanted, lol! i have no idea with these, i just wanted something easier to see candling since my hens only lay brown eggs and that was what i was trying to learn with... no idea with the roosters on these though.

these are my second testing batch, if i manage not to kill 99% of these ones then i'm going to buy some silkie eggs!!!
(my last batch i got 2/14 hatched... but in my defense i haven't used the incubator since i was a kid, so it's been at least 10 years or so, plus, my dad was the one that did it, i just watched. hehehe....)
We are set in for April 8-10th, We will be setting some duck eggs this weekend. We are hatching for home schooled kids, and have just a Little Giant. Plus another for the duck eggs.

I think we have:

7 Silver Duckwing OEG
A Few White Leghorn
A Bunch of EE Can't remember name.... Pretty bright green eggs
One Egg from our Resident Game hen (dad could be anything from BBRed to Silkie
, crossing fingers for silkie...)
and a pinkish lord knows what egg (Mother is from a RIR/cochin hen and Blue Frizzle and looks like a Blue Rhode Island Hen, she was covered by Leghorn [maybe])

I think that is it.

The kids have guess on what sexes the eggs will hatch into by a cute little think my mother-in-law showed them, not sure if it even kind-of works, but the guess is 3 Silver Duckwing Roosters, No Leghorn Roosters, 3 EE Roosters and the two others are hens. We marked the rooster guessed eggs with little r's.


Sorry had to add the bunny, I am a bunny momma at heart....
Easter Egger Eggs due to arrive from Halo (BYC member) Monday!
If all goes as expected, I will be setting on Tuesday! This is my first time buying and setting eggs. I purchased the Brinsea ECO 20 that is (or was) on sale.

The neighbor might add a few eggs from his Easter Eggers to fill up the bator. Very excited and nervous!
Hey Suechick, you mentioned using both a broody and a homemade incubator. I will be very interested in your comparison of the two approaches. Have you used your homemade 'bator' before? Did you make it using plans / instructions from BYC members?
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