Anyone hatching on the 27th?

They are two fathered by my OEG bantam roo. The chicks will be cousins, actually, and siblings at the same time. They have the same father, but their mothers are sisters. One of the mothers is RIR/Silver Phoenix while the other is Welsummer/Silver Phoenix. The sisters are both great layers and my roo has a wonderful disposition, so I'm hoping for two pleasant hens who putt around the yard. It's really an experiment and they will be pets who spend their days dust bathing, etc. Only three more days to go!
Good luck on your hatch and keep us posted. I have another pip now, a salmon favorolle that isn't due until tomorrow.
The one golden laced cochin bantam is doing fine but neither of his egg mates of the same breed have pipped.
Darn chickens have their own schedules don't they?

I sure would like to get these eggs hatched. I have several of the salmon favorolles plus two giant cochins and three buff orps in the same hatch.
Oh no!! I was just heading to bed and I checked the temp. It had jumped from a steady 99.3 to over 101!! WHAT??? How did this happen?? So, yes, I opened the bator!

I had to shake out my thermometer to recheck the temp, and I wanted to let the hot air out. I took out the plug, and left the temp control the same. It has stayed at 100 now for awhile.

Will they be OK? I really diddnt want to open the bator. But why did this happen? does anyone know?
They should be ok. I have had a temp spike of 105 and still had a good hatch. You did the right thing in fixing it. The last week I check the temp probably 10 times a day. If the humidity drops the temp rises so I am always checking it.

Tomorrow is my "due date" I am hoping for the best for my chicks and all of yours.

Are you obsessed if you can hear chirping even when you are nowhere near chicks???
Let's face it, we are all obsessed!!

I was so worried in the middle of the night because I had three pips when I went to bed and at three am they hadn't changed at all. I figured it was a done deal.

Well, when I got up at 5 there had been some development and I saw one pip actually push out a bit. Now I have one working steadily with the newly hatched chick from yesterday helping him.
The chick in the egg is peeping and the other hatchling is peeping back! Too cute.
Gosh, can we all survive this anxiety?????
Hang in there. You should still be OK if the eggs weren't at 105 too long. I have had spikes like that too although not that high and who knows why they happen.
My humidity jumped to 90% after my chick hatched yesterday so then I worried about the ones in the eggs drowning! Geesh......
Now I am in watch mode again.

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