Anyone have BELTSVILLE Small White Turkeys


Feb 11, 2021
United States of America
I want BELTSVILLE Small white turkeys.

Why? Because turkey is delicious. Plucking a large bird by hand is awful. And my family could eat a whole small turkey, like a large chicken.
It would fit into a crackpot or into airfryer or onto rotisserie...

Because huge turkey isn't practical for household use or storage. And just having holiday turkey is so cliché.

I love eating turkey. And if I could have a mini Thanksgiving once a month or serve a delicious turkey on Sundays
It would make me very happy.

It took me 2 & a half hours to carefully pluck to save bothe the delicate skin and beautiful silkie feathers of a huge burbon red turkey. I smoked it on the grill.
It was the most wonderful thing I've eaten. But a little turkey, without taking up most of my fridge or being a pile of turkey leftover bits to try to eat.


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