Anyone have reptiles/amphibians? Show 'em off!

I've had this guy over 30 years. He was a wedding gift from my father. On the way to the wedding, Dad found Mr.Tuttle as a hatchling trying to cross the road. He gave Mr. Tuttle to me just as I walked into church decked out in my wedding dress. Without a hitch, I tucked the tiny guy in my sash and went on to say 'I do.' In one wedding photo, if you look close, you can see his head peeking out from the sash.

Still have the turtle and still have the same husband. Neither are dainty eaters!

Awww!!!! That is awesome and such a great wedding present!!!
We have four geckos. Squirt and Lavender are leopards, Chocolate and Fudge are cresteds (both lost their tails before we got them).

I don't have pictures of both the crested geckos, but here are a few pictures I do have.

We have four geckos. Squirt and Lavender are leopards, Chocolate and Fudge are cresteds (both lost their tails before we got them).

I don't have pictures of both the crested geckos, but here are a few pictures I do have.

So cute
I love the leopards.
Ok, this little skink isn't my pet, I just couldn't resist picking him up though. I love the juvenile's bright blue tails.

Alduin has been growing like a weed, of course. Here he is exploring a house plant.

He's really getting a lemony yellow color to the base of his scales. It gets more of an orange tint near his tail.

They are more of a pet to look at and not hold. Some are able to be held, but not many.

For my Agro, he can be quite a handful. He can be held, but it's on his terms only. He will let you know when he won't let you hold him. They make noise at night, so if you don't like noise when you sleep or are a light sleeper, I suggest housing them in a different room.
There bites can hurt, it's more sore and stinging, than actual pain for me.
Well I don't have anything yet but I just got this HUGE tank on Craigslist for $20 and I am thinking of either a beardy or an Iguana or my other thought would be to turn it into a terrarium and have a family of Anoles or maybe some Chameleons The hard part is making a decision I love reptiles and am excited about anythihg I decide on. Any suggestions. the tank is 5 feet long 18in tall and 15in wide my brother in law is a welder and he is going to make me a custom lid for it.


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