Anyone Here from Southern New Jersey?

OOOOOOOO!! SNJ, make sure to post pics of them hatching!! Can't wait to see, I'm very excited for you!
We have Jersey Giants, Polish Crested, Silkies, Rhode Island Reds, Americaunas and some Japanese something or other that I can never remember the breed name!!!!

They look like so much fun, I love that the Polish have their little crests already as chicks. Where did you get them from? Are they straight run?

We got 9 chicks around the end of February. 3 each of Buff Orp, Easter Egger, Speckled Sussex. They were all sexed pullets but one of the Sussex is definitely a dude (we are cool with a rooster as long as he behaves.) I didn't expect them to have so much personality, and I didn't expect my whole family to enjoy them this much, even my husband who thought he was just humoring me with this whole chicken thing.

Obviously now we need to get more, right??
Hatch day was Saturday with one little Barnevelder waiting until Sunday.
The final score was
9 chicks (4 Breda, 2 Barnevelder, 2 FaverollexWelsummer and 1 Welsummer)
2 unfertilized eggs
2 dead in the shell
1 MIA early in the setting weeks

14 total eggs

Hatch day was Saturday with one little Barnevelder waiting until Sunday.
The final score was
9 chicks (4 Breda, 2 Barnevelder, 2 FaverollexWelsummer and 1 Welsummer)
2 unfertilized eggs
2 dead in the shell
1 MIA early in the setting weeks

14 total eggs

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