Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

Well, we got ours today- All DOA :( 5 barred babies.
I feel so guilty sending them to their death by ordering them from freakin Antarctica- I mean Wisconsin. WE will try again on the 23rd from cackle and have ordered 10 this time. I hope we have better luck. Poor babies.
That's very sad :( it is risky ordering right now. If I were you i'd look at meyer they seem closer in distant which might help with travel in this cold. Best of luck on your second shipment.
I am! I ordered 25 chicks from McMurray Hatchery. Oh! and one exotic breed chick!

4 Pearl White Leghorn pullets
1 Pearl White Leghorn Cockerel
9 Buff Orpington pullets
1 Buff Orpington cockerel
9 White Rock pullets
1 Dark Cornish cockerel
1 Exotic rare chick

After ordering I realized, they're all gonna look yellow as chicks! =D Well, except the dark cornish cockerel and the exotic one I guess...

If they all survive,
I'm planning on breeding my own version of meat chickens using the white rocks and dark cornish roo. I know, they're not gonna be as big, or even close to commercial birds, but I just wanted to have some fun with that. Buff orpingtons are also meant to be for meat, but that would be the next generation. Leg horns are for eggs. =)

Soooo, that's my plan! What's yours? and when are you going to buy more chicks? How many? from where? what breeds? why? =D

We are!...Our 2nd order with them is due 2nd wk in April and only 15, 10 Golden Laced Polish(2m/8f) and 5 Lakenvelder ladies for our so called "FREE" suprise male Lakenvelder from the last order...Be careful, it's how they get ya!...That free one has cost us, well, more than free, but we love him which is why he's getting his own harem!...

The "free" guy:

The last order were white crested black polish and sultans,


we couldn't be happier!
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wow your Lakenvelder rooster is soo pretty!!! and he looks very docile too, good ones are hard to find!

Good Luck with your order! you're gonna have a pretty looking flock! =D ha, I'm excited for you. oh April seems so far away! lol you have a lot of patience... =D
Well, we got ours today- All DOA :( 5 barred babies.
I feel so guilty sending them to their death by ordering them from freakin Antarctica- I mean Wisconsin. WE will try again on the 23rd from cackle and have ordered 10 this time. I hope we have better luck. Poor babies.
awww that's so sad! =( I'm so sorry...
We are waiting our first shipment of Hew Hampshire Reds. Ordered 5 pullets. I am thinking of placing another order a little later this spring for maybe 5 more. Will wait and see how the first set goes. They ship on the 11th from Cackle Hatchery, so we should be receiving them next Friday or Saturday.
Well, we got ours today- All DOA :( 5 barred babies.
I feel so guilty sending them to their death by ordering them from freakin Antarctica- I mean Wisconsin. WE will try again on the 23rd from cackle and have ordered 10 this time. I hope we have better luck. Poor babies.

So sorry for your loss. I am really concerned about our shipment, we ordered 5 NHR pullets from Cackle Hatchery. They are supposed to ship out on the 11th. Who did you order from? Will they be replacing them?
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to share my positive experience with a winter hatchery shipment. I've ordered from ideal probably 10 times in the past few years with no problems. I've noticed they seem to sell out of whatever it is that I want every year very early so this year I put in a request that they would send my order when they had everything available. Well I was suprized that they put my order together quickly and it was ready to ship February 4th. I've never had chicks delivered in the middle of winter(from a hatchery or breeder) so I was expecting the worst. I knew they could send "males for warmth" so I was hoping they have great success with that method. They came in this morning and everyone was fine!!! It was 28* and snowing when i picked them up. No extra males, they actually used extra insulation and a heat pack! Not that I'd recommend ordering


in the winter, but in this case it turned out better than expected.
Just got 100 cornish cross this morning live in Colden n y outside buffalo temp in heated garage about fifty have chicks under heat laps and covered temp over. 75 hope there all right
I was supposed to get my babies yesterday but the company sent me an email stating they will b shipped Monday. Oh to wait even longer :( Glad to hear their r success stories that makes me feel better about ordering mine so early.

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