Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

My first ever batch of chicks are due in two weeks. I AM SO EXCITED!! I have been spending my days reading everything I can find on raising chicks. I ordered from Meyer Hatchery, 15 pullets. We can only have 6 hens and no roosters in my town, so I will be giving my extras to 2 friends that are happy to take them. I ordered my chicks right after the catalog was released, I couldn't wait. Good thing I did, because the breeds I wanted sold out quickly. I want a variety of egg colors and a variety of plumage. I think being able to name my girls and being able to tell their eggs apart will be good. I ordered a blue ameraucana (blue egg), Easter egger (green egg), Columbian Wyandotte (light brown egg), blue laced red Wyandotte (medium brown egg), buff orpington (medium brown egg) and black copper Marans (dark brown egg)!! I'm not sure why my husband rolled his eyes when I told him my "maternity leave" was approved at work for their arrival. Can't wait for the peeping to begin
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Well, sorry - I won't be able to do that. I got so absolutely fed up that when I finally was able to get in touch with someone, I cancelled my order. Of course, their response only confirmed it was the right decision. Sigh. What to do now?

That's too bad because they have wonderful chicks! They are not set up like the big hatcheries that crank out chick orders 1000 times a day - It takes a few days to hear back from an email but patience pays off. They have always been very helpful to me. I have 10 cream legbars and 6 black copper Marans coming - I am so excited!

Been away from this site for quite a long time but figured I'd check back in and retrain myself since we have new birds coming soon. Got our original 10 layers a few years ago. Lost one to predation and another died of natural causes. So with 8 aging layers, I figured I better add some. I have 5 red sex links coming tomorrow. They're approx. 16 weeks so they'll be laying soon. Also ordered 2 buff orpington chicks and 2 black astralorps chicks which will be here near the end of the month. Our daughter talked me into ordering chicks since we had so much fun raising the last batch. Looking forward to increased egg production again... family and friends have been going through withdrawal.
I went to our local TSC to stock up on chick supplies and most of their stock was expired. They said they will from shelves and reorder ,because their chick days start the last week of February. My babies RIR and Barred Rocks I ordered from Meyer are due April 7-8.......such a long wait still. Since I have a fear of some of them not making the journey and dying within the first few days, I'm thinking of buying some from either TSC or Big R, we have both of them here. I only ordered 5 of each from Meyer. I just wish it was spring already, the wait is horrible.
The date on the bag is the date is was ground and bagged. It is not the expiration date. My local tsc has very fresh feed.
it wasn't feed it was the packets of probiotics and vitamin sav a chick packets . I did ask first if it was the expiration date and they said it was. I'm not cutting down TSC they pulled they stuff off and said they will reorder ASAP so that's great.
If they all survive,
I'm planning on breeding my own version of meat chickens using the white rocks and dark cornish roo. I know, they're not gonna be as big, or even close to commercial birds, but I just wanted to have some fun with that.

We found a good homeade meat cross is an EE roo X with a Delaware hen. They grow fast and have a decent amount of meat on them.

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