Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

To those who have a lot of chicks coming, can I ask where/what size brooders do you use to brood such large amounts of chicks? I have 7 chicks and I am already wondering what I am going to do with them when they out grow the brooders I have, before they can go outside.

What is the min. brooder size for 7 chicks?

I use plastic totes and as they grow then I split them to two totes and so on until they are fully feathered then they go to the pen in the coop. I keep them there for a week or two then i let them out and they free range all day.
We used a 150gal water trough last time. This time it's being used as a water trough for the other livestock, so we'll be using a blue kiddie pool with cardboard "walls" this time.

We're also starting to build a new coop. Once the new coop is done we will move our adults to it and put the chicks into the old coop until they're large enough to integrate with the older flock.

And I'm now waiting for even more chicks! My Black Langshan hen has gone broody and is sitting on a nest full of eggs.
I do! In fact, they should ship out today and get here Friday! I ordered:
7 Ameraucana (EE) pullets and 1 cockerel
6 cuckoo Marans pullets
5 partridge Chentecler pullets and 1 cockerel
3 Ancona pullets

Mostly I ordered them for a colorful egg basket, but I may use the EEs and Marans to try and make some olive eggers. My husband requested the Chenteclers, we've had that breed before and he really enjoyed them. I'm hoping they throw a few packing peanuts I the box too. Mine are coming from Ideal, can't wait!
I love this and am going to keep your list. We are new to the chicken thing, but I love the idea of a colorful basket and am learning as much as I can right now.
We placed an order with Cackle Hatchery and are expecting them the end of this week. Starting to get very nervous about the trip, it is supposed to be very cold. I hope they all survive, we ordered the 5 pullet small town special. Will update when they arrive.

This is what we've ordered also, the small town special. Five banties. Please let me know how your babies do! I'm so nervous for all of us!! I hope they all make it fine and warm and safe. This is out first time ordering chicks.
Hi, I'm jenn in wv and I have been ordering from Meyer hatchery because it's so much closer. I get all my chicks alive and well. 1 died a day after arrival once, but usually all is well. I think it's in Ohio. Closer to you too.
Yes, impatient is the word! I have six new chicks coming from Greenfire. Two Isbars, two Cream legbars and two Swedish Flowers.
They have been excellent so far to deal with and respond promptly. I have never ordered from them before. Since I don't have a lot
of room for all of the chickens I WISH I could have, I need to be very selective.

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