Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

omg I had 3 broilers in coop 2, when I checked just now one had its whole wing eaten out and other one had part of it eaten out and they are bleeding but still alive and walking around. The other one had blood in the wings with bite marks. Just before I saw that, DH had killed a possum. We had to cull the chickens cz they all were suffering so much. We're assuming the possum attacked them... DH was starting to feel sad that he killed a possum for no reason until we saw the poor chickens. We hate to kill animals if we don't use the meat and this is just really making me feel sad. Beer. I need beer.
So sorry for your loss.
So are they all chicks, and if so do you keep them all in the same brooder? I'm new to this and have 5 NH pullets and am considering getting about 7 more when they arrive at my local TSC. I am just not sure if I need a separate brooder for them.
I have 27 three-week old chicks in one brooder and 4-day old chicks in another brooder.The three-week old chicks are pretty big and getting their pecking order going so I can't introduce baby chicks into that group. If you only have one brooder you can separate them with a screen or something, so the bigger ones can't bully the babies. It all depends on their age... You can put them in together and see if they bully and if they do, then separate them.
I have 27 three-week old chicks in one brooder and 4-day old chicks in another brooder.The three-week old chicks are pretty big and getting their pecking order going so I can't introduce baby chicks into that group. If you only have one brooder you can separate them with a screen or something, so the bigger ones can't bully the babies. It all depends on their age... You can put them in together and see if they bully and if they do, then separate them.
Mine should be about 2 1/2 weeks by the time TSC gets their new chicks. Guess I will see about getting another brooder set up.
omg I had 3 broilers in coop 2, when I checked just now one had its whole wing eaten out and other one had part of it eaten out and they are bleeding but still alive and walking around. The other one had blood in the wings with bite marks. Just before I saw that, DH had killed a possum. We had to cull the chickens cz they all were suffering so much. We're assuming the possum attacked them... DH was starting to feel sad that he killed a possum for no reason until we saw the poor chickens. We hate to kill animals if we don't use the meat and this is just really making me feel sad. Beer. I need beer.
This is terrible! So sorry!
Ordered 25 chicks? what a coincidence so did I. lol

5 Buff Orpingtons
5 Black Australorps
5 Rhode Island Reds
5 Barred Rocks
5 Black Sex Links

Cant get them here fast enough.

Ordered a couple of Ducklings as well.

Thanks for the duck advice y'all. Got the eye roll from the hubs about adding ducks, so as of today I won't be adding any. However...I did just put a dozen of our eggs in the new incubator I got at TSC. I figure if ONE hatches out, It's a success. I havent had any updates on my order since yesterday, so I have no clue where my babies are right now. The lady at the local post office said she doesn't arrive till almost 8. She took my name, #, and mailing address. I could feel her rolling her eyes when I said call me at 4 a.m., lol. So tomorrow as soon as my kids get on the bus, I'm going to fill up my largest coffee mug and go wait it out in the P.O. parking lot, like some chicken stalker, lol.
I haven't been on this forum in MONTHS, but I'm thrilled to have found this thread Kadu! I love the enthusiasm from y'all and I share it! I got the borrowed brooder yesterday and going to clean it today. Its large enough to hold them all for about 2 weeks, then I'll have to divide them up.
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Our ship date is Wednesday from Chickens for Backyards. It's my first time ever raising chickens for eggs and I ordered 10 Black Australorp's. I am nervous about the arrival and excited. I have a large rubber maid tub ready but I am stressing because I cannot get the lid to cut out my whole to place my chicken wire. I cannot find anything to cut the whole out.

My coop is not even built yet and I hope will get started next weekend by my contractor because I lack skills. I wonder of my 10 how many will survive.

Any advice for a newly is welcome and appreciate. I have my organic chick feed and bowls and heat lamp.
Our ship date is Wednesday from Chickens for Backyards. It's my first time ever raising chickens for eggs and I ordered 10 Black Australorp's. I am nervous about the arrival and excited. I have a large rubber maid tub ready but I am stressing because I cannot get the lid to cut out my whole to place my chicken wire. I cannot find anything to cut the whole out.

My coop is not even built yet and I hope will get started next weekend by my contractor because I lack skills. I wonder of my 10 how many will survive.

Any advice for a newly is welcome and appreciate. I have my organic chick feed and bowls and heat lamp.

Aussies are my favorite breed. You chose well for the first chickens. They tend to be calm and not freakish about it when you enter their space.

To cut the hole...... Do you have a jig saw? If you do are you comfortable using it? If not do you have a utility knife? You would need a very sharp blade and it is a lot of work. Make multiple passes do not try and just punch right through. You could slip and need a few stitches. Another option.... Do you have a drill and large hole saw? If you do you could drill a bunch of holes close together and perhaps use a pair of garden trimmers to cut the pieces in between. Coping saw? Hack saw?

Last resort for me would be a large serrated kitchen knife.

Or you could just leave the lid off and put the chicken wire directly on top of the tub.

I would think of your 10 that 10 should survive if all arrive in decent shape. After all you are on BYC and asking questions. Folks on here are friendly and kind and willing to offer help.

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Our ship date is Wednesday from Chickens for Backyards. It's my first time ever raising chickens for eggs and I ordered 10 Black Australorp's. I am nervous about the arrival and excited. I have a large rubber maid tub ready but I am stressing because I cannot get the lid to cut out my whole to place my chicken wire. I cannot find anything to cut the whole out.

My coop is not even built yet and I hope will get started next weekend by my contractor because I lack skills. I wonder of my 10 how many will survive.

Any advice for a newly is welcome and appreciate. I have my organic chick feed and bowls and heat lamp.
I have mine in a bin and I just leave the lid off. They won't be in the bin very long, you'll be surprised how fast they grow out of everything you try to contain them in LOL

I would leave the lid off and move on to finding your next container for them, honestly. They'll be huge in just a few weeks!

I really love my Australorps. They are very mild mannered and friendly, easy going birds.
Our ship date is Wednesday from Chickens for Backyards. It's my first time ever raising chickens for eggs and I ordered 10 Black Australorp's. I am nervous about the arrival and excited. I have a large rubber maid tub ready but I am stressing because I cannot get the lid to cut out my whole to place my chicken wire. I cannot find anything to cut the whole out.

My coop is not even built yet and I hope will get started next weekend by my contractor because I lack skills. I wonder of my 10 how many will survive.

Any advice for a newly is welcome and appreciate. I have my organic chick feed and bowls and heat lamp.

I have to agree with 21 hens-incharge and LeanneP. Cover just with wire if when needed. Now have an Idea for your coop. If you don't have one yet. Try EBAY and you can find some. They are smaller units but are available starting around $200. You are starting small , so this may work for you. I don't know what your final plans are though. Just as a disclaimer. """" I am not selling any of those coops on ebay. """"" Just thought this may help you.

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