Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

Honestly I tried! But some where sold out, my credit card didn't have room, and then the old man was standing over my shoulder reminding me that we don't live on a farm.
My problem is (honestly) the opposite. I say 'Okay, I'll order the minimum and then I'll sell or give away the "extras"'. Well, the first time, my husband just fell in love with them, so he refused to get rid of any of them. Then, back in October when the girls started laying and the boys started maturing, we had a talk about how we were going to either have to get rid of one of the 3 roosters, or have more than 17 hens for them. So we decided on getting another 15 or so hens. Well, I also talked my best friend into allowing me to get her daughter (my goddaughter) some chicks, too! Instead of 15 minimum, though, it was now 25. So, okay...I'll order the specific ones I want and then I'll order the "Ornamental Layer Collection" of 15 as well to pad the order. Surely I can sell those rare breeds easily, right? Well it wasn't until afterward that my husband declared that we CANNOT sell chicks because someone might eat them! He will only agree to selling eggs, but any chicks become his.

He really loves them a lot and spoils them rotten, so I don't have any complaints, really but I do have an alibi and it's really not my fault LOL
That's hilarious! I'm wondering how my old man will be when they get here. He is really indifferent to them coming, but he was the same way with the rabbits as well and now he's all over making sure the kids keep the rabbit cages clean and get exercise.
My situation is similar. I have to laugh every time he says "They are your chickens". I wanted 6 BA, DH wanted some color "other than plain black". I got 2 BA, 2 EE, 2 California whites. Kept trying for BA's and kept ending up with something else. Males, crooked toed SS, SSH, BO, Wyandottes etc.
It has been 4 years of this mess trying to get a few more BA's. Now my original 2 are getting on in age and not laying.
I told DH I was tired of him choosing all the freakishly skittish little non black chickens. I informed him I am culling all but the bantams and getting some BA's. Three weeks went by and he tells me he really likes the BO.
I just want some BA's!

I think I will surprise him and get him some Buff laced polish though.
He told me 6 and no more. But we've got 16 coming. He'll adapt if he knows what's good for him.

My son really wanted some Orpingtons but couldn't find any available before April without a huge min order. So I know I'll be ordering more at some point again lol

To me it was like buying workout clothes. It came so easily and it was fun lol
We're having record low temperatures and just received the email that our chicks have shipped. Only 15 chicks in the box. Usually it's in the 50s -60s. This year it's below freezing. :(p
Sure, Leanne, sure...
. I really just want my five. That's all I ordered to start. We live on a very small parcel in a dense urban neighborhood. Bantams, so they should work out. Though I'm not saying I might not order more!! Spring babies, anyone?

If you're going to have 5, you might as well have 12...
We started off with 5 pullets that we got a couple weeks ago and we have already decided to get 7 more to make an even 12.
I guess that is what is known as chicken math!!
My problem is (honestly) the opposite. I say 'Okay, I'll order the minimum and then I'll sell or give away the "extras"'. Well, the first time, my husband just fell in love with them, so he refused to get rid of any of them. Then, back in October when the girls started laying and the boys started maturing, we had a talk about how we were going to either have to get rid of one of the 3 roosters, or have more than 17 hens for them. So we decided on getting another 15 or so hens. Well, I also talked my best friend into allowing me to get her daughter (my goddaughter) some chicks, too! Instead of 15 minimum, though, it was now 25. So, okay...I'll order the specific ones I want and then I'll order the "Ornamental Layer Collection" of 15 as well to pad the order. Surely I can sell those rare breeds easily, right? Well it wasn't until afterward that my husband declared that we CANNOT sell chicks because someone might eat them! He will only agree to selling eggs, but any chicks become his.

He really loves them a lot and spoils them rotten, so I don't have any complaints, really but I do have an alibi and it's really not my fault LOL
Too funny!

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