Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!! Chicks just left Boise, 2 hours away!!!! Best day ever!!!! Thought they were coming tomorrow morning!!

A good friend of ours just sent us this cartoon.

Ironic as she didn't know that we are picking up our chicks in a few hours.
I love this cartoon. Only a chickie person can understand the excitement of baby chicks.

My Meyers Hatchery order will be shipped April 21st - 23st

My first herd from Meyer were 9 BO (one rooster). They went to freezer camp last fall at 31 months old.

This years order I'm trying a mixture, I going for more egg production. 3 of each and no roosters:

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Columbian Wyandotte
Golden Buff
Rhode Island Red
Good assortment. I have Wyandotte's on my wish list. I really like my BOs and RIRs. Like your signature. History study time of the year 1868. I love reading about settling the old west, but I'm not good with dates.

Do I have pics?
Im driving ours crazy taking almost daily portraits of them. My family thinks I'm looney. Here are a few from today. I haven't named many as I'm waiting for more feathers and figure out personalities.

Welsummer 1 of 2, 8 days old

Rhode Island 1 of 2, 8 days old

Silver Laced Wyandotte aka Mr. Fluffy Eggo (she's my teens chick) 1 of 2, 3 days old in this pic (were purchased at the local grange)

New Hampshire 1 of 2, 8 days old

Mr. Chicken Bawk Bawk Chicken, Silkie Bantam, 8 days old <--she's the baby's chicken

Here are the chicks from Meyer:

Buff Laced Polish, which are for my daughter. She's named them Chocolate and Sugar Cookie.

Buckeyes, they are Ginger and Nutmeg.

Sumatras, they are Pepper and Anise.

Olive Eggers and an extra chick (I'm betting Australorp). One of the OE has sparse leg feathers and ear tufts. They are Rosemary, Saffron, and Caraway.

Dark Cornish, they are Cinnamon and Spice.

Cornish X, the Snickerdoodle Gang.

Now I just have to wait for my order from Ideal that should be here Thursday.

Wonderful pictures. I have a surprise package of chicks coming. Your pictures would be great to help me try to identify.
We finally got the first pic of our little chick family processed. Their first night was uneventful. I was up once and swung by the brooder to find them happily being chicks. This morning they were up with the chickens (pun intended). You might be able to make out the little marking pen marks on their little heads Red for girls and Blue for boys. I've only pinned names on the boys at the moment. I think if the others get named it will be as they mature and their personalities begin to emerge. So far I'm calling the roos Bo (he's the largest of the two) and Foo. Not your average names. Bo is short for the military acronym BOHICA and Foo is short for FUBAR, which he isn't I just think the names are unique and miltary/marine/hooyah! in a masculine sort of way.

So here is their first portrait. I was unloading them from their box. They were tired, and scared after their half hour trip home.

The four dark little girls are the Welsummers and the others are Buff Orps, 8 girls, 2 boys. I'll get better picks in a few days. They are 4 days old at this point, 5 days old today and I don't like to do much handling at this point in time until they are at least a week old and a bit less fragile. You can see one of the little boys in the box with his blue spot on his head and a red spotted female in the corner. No doubting who is who, at least until they feather out.

To all of you out there still waiting for your chicks to arrive, I can well sympathize with you. I must have walked by my empty brooder a hundred times during the day and told myself.....soon.....
So cute. So glad that they made it.

Mine ship on Monday! Can't wait.
It looks like my shipment from Ideal really did go out yesterday even though it was scheduled to ship today. It hasn't updated at all today, but the tracking shows it made it to North Houston late last night. Hopefully it doesn't get stuck there.

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