Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!


Got our babies on Friday, this was from today.

Oh my what cuties! What breed is the one with the owl looking face? So exotic looking.
Mine are supposed to ship today or tomorrow from Meyer. Already called the PO alert them. Impatiently awaiting the email from Meyer that they are enroute.
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2 hatchery "Thai" chicks (sumatra mixes) and 3 guinea keets to be picked up on Wednesday. Also have to get a couple ducklings.

Two duck eggs in the 'bator due on Friday, which is why I need to pick up a couple ducklings, in case only one hatches (Neighbor's female duck was killed, leaving the drake by himself, I was asked to try and hatch a few eggs). I already think one quit a few days or so ago.

April 1st will be picking up black mottled d'uccles, Russian orloffs, and red shoulder yokohamas.
Man talk about will power. I was in TC yesterday and went by their chick bins. They were down to ducklings and three little bantam chicks. They were so cute and healthy looking that I asked the clerk how much they were and when he told me 2.99 actually took a deep breath and muttered....'walk away walk away now!" My husband, waiting out in the car, said he was surprised I was able to resist them. I told him I had to because I plan to add a Welsummer roo later this summer and I'm holding out for a baker's dozen.

Here are some of our babes, Buff O's and Welsummers enjoying their morning treat of a half a slice of whole wheat bread (they LOVE the stuff!)

I love the one with the little 'owl' face. What kind is she/he?

Oh my what cuties! What breed is the one with the owl looking face? So exotic looking.
Thank you! That one is an Americauna.

Ahhhhhh cuteness overload for sure! What did you get?

One more week until I get my babies!
2 Buff Orpington
2 Black Australorp
2 Americauna

I bet that you are more than excited, much like me! I had the countdown on my calendar and could hardly sleep the night before! First timer, here! :wavey:

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