Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

It's so strange you guys' chicks end up coming late or the chicks are dead. I live literally in the middle of nowhere, hours from any airport or anything, but my chicks show up next morning, all alive.

I just find it odd...

My chicks weren't in at the feed store, because apparently the hatchery only just shipped them this morning, so have to pick them up tomorrow. Then the chicks on the 1st.

What hatchery do you order from? I ordered from and I got 100% alive, healthy chicks. 

I order from Ideal, and I only order 8-10 chicks (they add some for warmth) and they still arrive alive.
I have to wait all the way until the beginning of June, so I can change the HOA's mind about me keeping them, build a coop, and be in town long enough to care for the little gals. 4 little ones are planned for in my little suburban backyard.
21 chicks from my order of 27 were eaten by a pack of coyotes last night. I'm so very sad right now I can't take it. My beautiful chickens! Have 6 terrified babies left and they are now in the big girl coop. ='(
I am so sorry :( coyotes keep me awake last night. I could hear them for about 2 hours. I was afraid they would get into my coop. About 6 months ago they killed are dog:( am so glad you have 6 left they usually eat them all.
It's so strange you guys' chicks end up coming late or the chicks are dead. I live literally in the middle of nowhere, hours from any airport or anything, but my chicks show up next morning, all alive.

I just find it odd...


I buy chicks from hatcheries and private breeders all over the country. If they're shipped from within Texas, I often get them the next day. Otherwise they take 2 days. They get here alive and healthy.

I've had literally thousands of chicks shipped to me over the last 40 years. Only 2 different times the chicks got misrouted and went the wrong direction. In both cases, the hatchery sent replacements with no problems.
I am so sorry
coyotes keep me awake last night. I could hear them for about 2 hours. I was afraid they would get into my coop. About 6 months ago they killed are dog:( am so glad you have 6 left they usually eat them all.
I usually check on them every night when I get home, and last night I saw them running away from the tractor. In a way, we saved the last 6, they would have killed them all like you said. I'm not gonna just let it go, I"ll be hunting me some coyote soon. I think its a pack of like 4-5 coyotes...
That is so terrible. Usually it is one or two that get attacked. But 21? That is so heartbreaking. I hope you are able to get more. It won't replace the others but it may help you feel better. When you catch those coyotes , make them into a stew and feed them to the chickens. Or if your state gives you a bounty on them then use that to buy more chicks.
So sad about the coyotes! I thank God every night for my Pyrenees. Heard the yotes yelping at our woodline last night them one big woof from our head Pyr and dead silence. We lost a hen to a snake or weasel or something the other day because I had stupidly moved the Pyrs to another side of the property and it's so sad to lose a flock member. They're all so special. I hope your remaining birds stay happy and healthy!

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