Anyone in want some FREE hatching eggs? [English Orp x BO [or Cochin]]

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I would love some. I sent you a PM and never heard back, so thought I would try this. Please let me know where to send the money. Thank You!!
It's impossible that they'll be blue, as splash only carries half of the blue gene and buff is a diluted red gene...

But I suppose we will find out :)
So much fun! I was trying to figure it out too. A red chicken that has blue chicks. It came down to splash being Bl/Bl and it's offspring being Bl/bl because the buff and red didn't have a Bl to send over.
You know, I had found an article on it before; they were talking about cochins I believe and the splash x red was supposed to pencil.

Of course, now that I actually need the article, I can't find it!

My sister tried a couple calculators this morning and the first one said they'd be blue, the second said they'd be red and the third said they'd be copper marans......
I'm pretty sure she was doing it wrong.
Dilution! Blue is a diluter of black. Splash dilutes it twice. The cross only dilutes it once, making blue chicks (and I think blue outweighs most other things)
I tried a chicken calculator and it says
I don't know what this

*E Extended black, hackle, shoulder and saddle of the males may leak groundcolor (eg red) depending on unknown absent genes.
DF Double Factor. Dosage effect, stronger expression.
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