anyone know how great McMurray Hatchery is?

I got my first ever order from them earlier this week, after my first order never showed up (they replaced everything at no cost to me). 3 DOA's, and lost 3 more so far this week, but they gave me my $ back for the ones that didn't make it. Overall I'm pleased with them. However, I would recommend if you are in a colder area of the country to wait a while until it warms up. The trip won't be as hard on them and the risk of loss will hopefully go down some.
New to forum New to chickens
Got my first order of chicks this past monday from MMH I orderd 30 Athey sent an extra RIR and 7 red dotted males for warmth
All arrived alive and in very good spirits and we live in SEWisconsin (still snow on the ground) All the chicks are still in good health
A couple have Pasty butt ((?) and 3 died to tragic tragic human error with the brooder lamp(to make a long tragic tale short brooder lamp fell) MMH chicks I feel are GREAT! I will order from them again.

Mother to 1husband,5 kids 5 horses,3 dogs 3 mini rex rabbits and 34 chicks (IAPED
I'm also new and was curious to read everyones responses to McMurray. My husband was encouraging me like crazy to order from them but I wound up buying eggs from a gal in NY instead. Regardless, they came highly recommended.

That brooder accident sounds awful. I worry about that on my end but so far so good.
I wanted to do the hole hatch your own eggs like you .........But I didn't think I could take all the waiting and waiting and waiting........and all the bators I found were on the high side ($) I would like to find a good used one this summer at an auction for next year ....Good luck with your New Yorker eggs keep us updated:
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I've ordered chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery every year for the past eight years or so. I've been very pleased with their stock and their customer service. One thing I'd like to bring up regarding ordering chicks or eggs from anyone: after they leave the hatchery they are in the hands of the shippers. I have heard rumors that the US Postal Service would like to get out of the chicken shipping business. Some have said that the workers toss boxes of chicks as they would any other box -- after all, they say, it is up to the seller to wrap and package items appropriately. I speculate that some postal workers "encourage" high mortality rates in hopes that consumers will get fed up and quit ordering live birds in the future. McMurray Co. has been fantastic to deal with over the years, and I remain faithful to them.

Best wishes,
I also have nothing but good things to say about MMH. Had a delivery of 30 and only lost 2. One in second week and the other in fifith. A year later now, the other 28 are all healthy, happy, and laying like crazy.

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