Anyone know what this animal is???????


11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
It is on my property and has about a 6 inch long dark brown tail but not flat like a beaver. Although he looks sort of like a beaver. Sorry the picture is a little blurry but he was far away from me.

Edited to ask....would he be a threat to my chickens?

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ground hog / wood chuck
a .270 will take care of him right neat
So that is what the sink hole in my back yard is! If he eats veggies I don't mind him being around. He's a chubby little guy.
lol scratch that

maybe you should catch him and go about like 5 or 10 or how many miles up the road and release him

That's illegal in just about every state. Plus you are pushing off your problems onto someone else.
That looks like a groundhog! Funny story, I was with my kids at a nature center in WI. It was later in the day, and we saw this brown critter running around.

I pointed it out to my kids, and shrieked excitedly, "Look, it's a....I have no idea!"
We had to ask someone. LOL They are cute little things.

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