Anyone know where to buy cheap egg cartons?


12 Years
Sep 26, 2010
South Georgia
I have recently run out of egg cartons and no matter how many people I ask to save me their egg cartons I still do not have enough. I am using about 2 egg cartons a day. I have been looking all over the place and am having trouble finding some that are affordable. Everywhere I look the egg cartons are around .50 cents each. I would have to go up on my egg prices if I bought these cartons. I have tried amazon, eBay, etc. I wAs just wondering if anyone knew of a place that was a little bit cheaper. I wouldn't even mind buying them in bulk if it would save money. I have seen the best deals being 125+ cartons.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Foam Packaging, Inc in Mississippi. Their website is a little outdated and the minimum order has increased but they are the cheapest I've found. I sell about 25 dozen a month and I purchased 400 cartons. The gentleman I spoke with was awesome and very pleasant. I did a LOT of research. The shipping is what actually drives the price so high but they turned out to be the least expensive.

Good luck :).
Thank you. I may try that. I don't know if I need to buy 400 at a time I wasn't wanting to buy more than 150 probably but if it is cheaper I may.

LOL, yeah 400 is a lot. I didn't anticipate having an egg business, just wanted to sell my extras. But the response was very good and I kept getting more customers. Here's a pic of my cartons. Should have posted it in my first response.... My label fits well in the blank spot so I like that.


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