Anyone near Brookville, PA with turkey?


12 Years
Sep 12, 2007
Jefferson County, PA
I plan on getting some eggs or little ones this spring to raise instead of meat chickens this year. Anyone out there from my area (Jefferson County, Pennsylvania) who could help me out? I am not stuck on any specific breed at this time. If you can help me out please send me a message.
I'm in Centre County. Only have pair but hopefully will have eggs/poults. Tom is a Bourbon Red hen is a Wild of some sort.
I will keep you in mind when the weather warms up a little. I have never had turkey before, when would be a good time frame for contacting you for eggs or poults? I usually start my meat birds around April.
Probably about that time...if not may.
Just PM me around then and I can see what I have.
Hi-- I'm up in Venango Co. I've got a lilac tom, 1 black hen and 2 blue slate hens. They're just starting to think about mating now. I definately will not need all the eggs I am liable to get. One of the slates is mother to the other 2 hens. Last year she was an egg machine. Let me know if you want any. Kathy
As soon as the weather warms up I will be in touch!! I am just starting to do my research on turkey, I think I have enough space to keep 4 to 6 comfortably, depending on the size. I will probably PM you sometime in the upcoming months!!

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